@Helen Sorry you're experiencing the same, but nice to know its not just us!
Mine gets a bit like this occasionally and I try burping him which often helps and he is then happy feeding. Works about 90% of the time
My daughter does the same. She’s 14 weeks and started last week. She keeps my nipple in her mouth and then pulls her head to face away from my chest. My nipple has seen better days 😂 I think she is teething. She’s dribbling a lot, she knaws at her fingers and she chews on her teether until it squeaks!
Yeah exactly the same. Mine is 13 weeks and will wriggle around so much (mainly on my left side) I googled it the other day and was reading about the 3 month breastfeeding crisis. Might be worth a read. Have no idea if it is that but it could be x
@Nina thanks yes mine was like this too previously if needed to poop or burp but now seems to happen regardless!
Yep - exactly the same my LO 14weeks and I am going through the same as Lizzie. I think it teething too.
Exactly the same minus the reflux part! No suggestions sorry 😁