Waking multiple times could be down to being overtired, especially as you say she rarely naps.
@Natisha I’m not sure what to do though because I do everything I would normally do when the normal wake windows should be and she just won’t go to sleep? Or she’s just smiling at me so happy it’s a awkward one
She could have low sleep needs but then be overtired before it gets to bedtime. From 6 months you can follow forced naps instead of wake windows and maybe it will make her more tired and make naps more successful, I’d maybe also switch to 2 naps at that point.
Wake windows for 5 month olds are usually between 2-3 hours and it’s recommended they’re awake for 2-2.5 hours before they go to bed, so I don’t think her wake window was too short, no. But it’s so baby dependant. Just for fun I tracked my baby’s naps and his wake windows are usually about 1.15 but he catnaps.