It sounds like it could be. As Kourtney said you can’t stop it you just have to ride it out. I’m so thankful my little one skipped it as it sounds horrific! From what I’ve seen others say it may only last a couple of weeks, others however seem to have been dealing with it for longer 🥴
It's likely the 4 month regression, and as others have said, we can't stop them. The best thing you can do is avoid changing any bedtime routines you already have, try to keep interactions during night wakings as calm and quiet as possible, and push through it. Some people it lasts a couple weeks, others it can take much longer to get back to normal especially as the later regressions come along. My daughter started the regression a bit early at 3.5 months and went from 1-2 night wakings to every 30-45 minutes. She's now almost 5 months old (21 weeks tomorrow) and we're mostly back to normal, but we never had any proper bedtime routines so I honestly attribute my success to breast sleeping with her at night 😅
It could be but I would just keep everything routine wise the same unfortunately we can’t stop a sleep regression as a first time mum I just got on with it 😭