It's so sad isn't it reflux and I'm afraid when all said and done although position, medicine and all sorts of interventions can help to improve it is just one of those things that some babies suffer with and they do eventually grow out of it. Therefore , I hear your frustration, there's no point me giving you a load of nonsense you've already heard , googled and know...but from one mother to another...yes its shit. Its crap that you put all your energy into feeding for them to be uncomfortable, throw up and then needing to feed again. However , what I will say is , you are strong and your doing an amazing job of providing for your baby! Sometimes all you need is to vent and someone to say yep , it's okay , it is shit and I hear you xxx
carobel!!! its a thickener that you can put in their milk to help them keep it down and make it harder to bring back up, it stops you having to start using formula as im pretty sure it can be added into expressed breast milk, youve probably tried this stuff already but feeding her in an upright position, keeping her upright for up to an hour after a feed, burping every few minuites can help
For what it’s worth my first was sick after every feed and a bunch of times between feeds, I just kept her in a little bib which I changed frequently. She’s now a happy healthy toddler. I think it looks like a lot more than it actually is. As long as your little one is still doing plenty of nappies and putting on weight and seems happy between being sick it’s not actually a huge problem, although as Amber says it’s frustrating and kinda gross (my sofa has never been the same since!). Just wanted to put it out there that you may not be able to fix it and you may not have to.
@Rhiannon i am trying anti reflux as well. She throws that up too😣
@Amber thank you Amber. It made me cry but feeling better
@mirah thank you
@Elle I am counting the days to see her healthy and jolly. It has been so hard
Same position with my nearly 10 week old. I didn't want to formula feed but I got him some anti reflex formula and he keeps it down unlike breast milk. I'm sticking to expressing and freezing my milk so he can finally have it after he grows out of his reflux