28-32 weeks was the worst for movement for me, I went up to triage 4 times during this period. I’m 36 weeks now and still don’t have much of a pattern except her being really active before bed at night! I completely relate to not wanting to keep calling them, but trust your gut instinct. I’m still mortified every time I go up but we’re the only ones that know what we are experiencing movement wise! They started me on weekly CTGs after a few episodes of reduced movement which helped reassure me so I would maybe ask if something like that is an option? I really feel for you though it’s awful constantly living in anxiety about it!
I can relate to this so much I’m only 27 but I’m finding it a constant battle as he was more active and now I get hardly anything, he’s quietened down so much and I too have been up a few times but they would rather us be up there everyday if we had to be. I’d rather call or go up everyday if it meant baby will be checked and be ok than there maybe be a problem and I don’t get it checked. Trust your gut and call as much as you need x
I’m nearly 35 weeks and still have quiet days, especially if I’ve been busy the day before, had a late night or felt poorly. Keep talking to triage if you’re concerned and trust your gut feeling!