I had the balloon which is uncomfortable when going to the toilet but I would go for that option first and depending on how much dilated you are you waters breaks by yourself or the balloons are in for 12 hours and then the midwife will physically break your waters yourself for you then you should have contractions but I had to go onto a drip to gain my contractions but I wouldn’t go on the drip as it made my babies heart beat drop to 78 instead of 150, I could go on so any more advice needed please feel free to message
I've no idea what a balloon is. This is new to me 😂😂. I'm dreading it. Fingers crossed it's fast.
I was at Rotherham and was given the pessary as baby wasn’t engaged at all, so the balloon wasn’t an option for me straight away. Unfortunately the pessary didn’t work for me so I opted for a c section afterwards but that was personal choice. Having the pessary fitted I found okay (you have to stay in the hospital with this though). It can bring on fake hormonal contractions, so I thought things were moving until the next morning when they assessed me again and nothing had changed. So just an fyi on that as I wasn’t told this beforehand! Feel free to message me if you have questions x
I chose to have mine at Barnsley but they’ll all work the same. When you go in they’ll assess you and depending on that will depend on what options they offer you basically. There’s the balloon or pessary then if they don’t work think that’s when they do the drip. I had the balloon catheter and I’d definitely recommend that if they give you that option xx