Maybe teething!
@Leilani nope. Just grumpy and sleepy! She has a little redness on her face, but that’s because it’s pretty dry here.
My baby boy has also been grumpy this past week. He will be 10 months in a week and its been hectic. Diaper changes are awful because he won’t stay still, all he wants is to be put down on the floor to play. I have a mat where all his toys are but he also is practicing to stand. He fights his naps tooo! Soo I am thinking its growth spurt because out of no where he became so grumpy.
@Evelyn omg the diaper changes! My girl seems to only want to be held. We did let her crawl around the basement today and the change of scenery seemed to help.
@Evan same!!! I let him crawl around and explore today.
My LO is 9 months and totally going through the same! He’s usually the chillest easiest baby but lately he’s been GRUMPY and seemingly for no reason. Now HATES diaper and clothing changes, and just generally fussy and wants to be held. Definitely feels like teething/growth spurt but I feel it’s been going on for a couple weeks now
My baby girl did the same thing!! Then not even a week later she got two teeth!! She didn’t wanna do anything but be held that whole week tho!!
Well just as an update, as of yesterday she is no longer grumpy, but also still doesn’t have teeth. So who knows what it was about!
My daughter is almost 10 months and I would say this is exactly teething and a growth spurt! She did have Covid a couple weeks ago and would moan and grown during nursing as well, but she did have a fever and runny nose so I could clearly tell she was sick. Your baby doesn’t seem to have other symptoms right?