Thanks so much Vanessa it’s Really helpful I do walking but I don’t think it’s enough because I used to work out and am Zumba instructor to so I want to stay active and i want to deliver my baby naturally
Oh fun! Love Zumba. I think the only thing you can do is continue staying positive and active, but knowing sometimes the birth plan can change and that’s okay. There’s no way to guarantee any type of delivery.
Hey Sally! I have now had 2 successful home births, completely natural 9.2 lb and 8.10 lb so big babies! I wouldn’t consider myself “fit” as I dont work out or do much heavy activity besides walking and chasing my toddler lol (thats a sport 😂) Point being I think its more about mental game. Get educated on the birth process, listen to podcasts. Pregnancy and birth made easy is great on Spotify. I just delivered my baby girl 2 days ago and delivery was so different to my son. So just be prepared mentally, physically by eating, drinking etc. staying active during labour and try not to sit down until you feel like you need to conserve energy. You got this 💪 not to say its not a crazy intense experience but its also so amazing and doing it at home and having my son wake up minutes before I pushed out his sister was just so special ❤️
Hi sally, congrats! Almost there. Doctors and midwives suggest walking and some people try hypno breathing (you tube videos), you can make a playlist to have with you at birth if music is motivating/distracting. I had an unmedicated birth which I hoped for but also told myself if I changed my mind and wanted an epidural thag was okay too!! My birth plan was just get baby out safely 😊 Nurses will help you breastfeed after baby is born