Have you dropped toddlers nap?

Has anyone dropped their toddlers nap and what were the signs? My toddler is now waking for 330am for the day. The other day he got up at 330, napped with me 7 until 8 and then was up until 7pm and slept all the way through , waking at 5. So staying up all day seemed to work. Yesterday he got up at 5 , had an hour nap 11 until 12 , bed at 7 and then up at 3am!!
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Our toddler still naps, but he needs all his sleep. He sleeps from about 8-8, then we put him down for a nap after his lunch for anything up to 2 hours. If i was in your situation I'd try and drop any daytime naps and see if that makes a difference to the nighttime. You must be shattered though so hope it sorts itself out x

@Annie oh wow that sounds amazing! Yes I am really struggling and I'm trying desperately to sort it out 😫 xx

My toddler (2 1/2 years)won’t nap during the day any more and sleeps from 7-5. Even if I put him bed later he’s still up at 5.

@Millie that's so strange isn't it. My little boy is the same! And even with him getting up at 3 at the moment, he's still not shattered enough to sleep until later! Weird how toddler sleep works 💤 😴

When our LO would start having bad nights we would look at everything, so this may or may not help. Is he hungry? We have milk and a litrally 4/5 spoons of rice crisps or ready break before bed. If hes warm enough now it's winter, maybe another layer would help? Lastly, I know for a fact that if our toddler wakes in the night and we take him in with us, he won't settle inbetween us in our bed. So, I either need to settle him on my side or keep him in his room and resettle him. Ours is still in the cot and likes a cuddle so it usually helps and he'll go back to sleep. I hope something here helps your lo get a full sleep xx

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