24 weeks pregnant

Hello I’m struggling to come to terms that I’m a single mum, my daughter’s dad has completely abandoned us. The breakdowns had stopped for a while but I find myself having panic attacks again and the tears won’t stop This is my first baby I’m overwhelmed and overstimulated I don’t know to do, I don’t have any support. No friends No family and No Dad for my daughter, I feel like a failure
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Please reach out to your midwife or GP as there may be localised support on offer once the baby comes and now for your mental health: it’s so important to do that. I found my midwife to be very connected into the community. You can also Check out the Gingerbread Trust who support single parents. Also have a look For a local baby bank as that’s where I got a load of stuff from, and Facebook marketplace too. Once this part passes, being a single mum can be very liberating and a wonderful experience but focus on the panic attacks first - one thing at a time x

Im a single mum to a9 month old little girl. Father chose not to be involved. It was a shock and I was very low throughout pregnancy. It was hard processing it. Also remember your emotions/hormones are all over the place. I have no family where I live. I have met some amazing mum friends at groups. When baby here and you build a bond you will feel better hopefully and you will need to put yourself out there to meet friends. You can do it x

I was a single mum to my 3.5yr old. Her dad and I split when I was pregnant and promised he wanted to be in her life. Was there when she was born and left 2 days later. Never been in contact. Honestly you’ll be fine, the bond you will create will be better. And you never know what’s round the corner. My little girl now calls my partner of 2 years daddy and it melts my heart xxx

Before your baby arrives maybe your thoughts are racing because you don't know what to expect. Once they are here you will know what to do. Try to get out of the house everyday at stay and plays and find facebook groups in your local area to find a support network of mums. If you can afford or save now for childcare, that will help a lot to give you time to take care of yourself. I also feel like I need a dad for my son but I realise there *will* be positive male influences sometimes in unexpected places.(not just from romantic partners). It takes time to build connections. Focus on what you can prepare now, you are about to realise how strong you actually are.

I’m a single mum to a 7 month old. I split with her dad when I was around 6 months pregnant. I cried for weeks and also had a mini breakdown, I was taken to hospital to be assessed. Turns out it was all just too overwhelming and I was grieving the loss of what I thought was going to be my family unit. Due to emotional abuse, her dad sees her but is supervised. She cries the whole time she is with him but otherwise is such a happy girl. She’s 100% a mummy’s girl. It’s hard and also draining but it’s the best feeling knowing you’re raising this wonderful child by yourself. There are lots of support networks around. Speak to your midwife and also ask for a health visitor to be assigned earlier. Early help can be a good support, along with pre baby groups. I loved this app for when I was feeling overwhelmed and down, made some good friends x

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