Nursery recommended a speech therapist

I just wondered if anyone else has experienced this? My daughter has been in nursery since September and is (mostly) really enjoying it, but when we had parents evening the teachers said they have noticed she doesn't talk like the other children do (she sometimes says her name instead of "I", and doesn't reply when you ask her a question, instead she'll say something completely unrelated). She's our first baby so we don't have an older sibling to compare to. We've agreed to the speech therapist, I just find it difficult to get my head around because I always thought communication was one of her strengths. She can be shy around new people but mostly she is really chatty and loves talking. Just wondered if anyone else has experienced the same? Thank you x
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You should be happy they noticed and reacted straight away, I know a kid that was not seen until he was 4 and for many things it was too late. Just remember speech therapist are not just for kids that are behind in speech. They help with tons of things, for example if you child is sleeping with an open mouth at night they will help with that as well. Don't be put down, it's an amazing thing she'll have that support as they can help in everything mouth related. Also will prevent wobbly sounds like L/R that will be developed around 4yo. And at this age the kids pick up so fast that she'll be back on track very soon

The things they are saying.. does it represent what she's like at home too? It'd be interesting to see if it's the same or different. It could be for many reasons, maybe she lacks confidence in answering questions in that setting, or maybe she can't hear them because it's louder.. when you talk to her at home start to say 'you/me' etc rather than saying her name or talking in third person and make sure you're at her level and getting eye contact when asking a question.. worth exploring further with SLT but try not to stress. Chances are it's nothing significant and her communication and speech will change as she gets older ☺️

@Alessia thank you for your reply. My MIL said something similar to this. I think I reacted the way I did because I struggled so much at school and I really don't want her to go through that. They said a speech therapist should help her to make friends more easily so of course I'm happy to support that x

@Jessica thank you for your reply. It actually does represent how she is at home, but I didn't realize it was a problem until they pointed it out! Because everyone in the family doesn't have any problems communicating with her, I just assumed that's how toddlers learned to talk. And if she wouldn't reply to someone, I just assumed she wanted to change the subject 😂 My mum always told me I was a stubborn child growing up so I assumed she was the same. We have been doing that, and she can say it, and does sometimes. I think when she's talking in the 3rd person she's making up her own little stories in her head.. but I don't know. It'd be good to hear the speech therapist's opinion. Thank you, I just worry because I don't want her to struggle at school like I did x

@Rowan my little boy still talks in third person a lot and it hasn't been reported as a problem. Better to aire on the side of caution and seek help early if needed, but hopefully it's all for nothing when it come to it. Good luck 🙏🏼 x

@Jessica thank you that is good to know x

My son was referred to speech therapy. Also our first. And I was really upset. Having been to some group sessions, which he loved, I'm thrilled that we're in the system and look forward to being able to have proper conversations with the little guy when he is ready. We get new words every day and while he still mostly ignores our questions we sre seeing huge improvements - he is happier and fewer meltdowns. I'm so grateful the nursery helped us in this way and got us in the system. Early intervention is really important. Please don't hesitate to reach out I'd you think sharing experiences might be useful xx

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