My daughter is 2.5 and just started sleeping through the night. There are so many factors, if she’s sick, how much she ate that day, temperature, if all her toys are lined up beside her lol... But typically she sleeps 8:30pm-8:30am and a nap from 12-1:30 at daycare.
He doesn't nap anymore most days, he will be three in two months. He goes to bed between 7 and 8pm. If he does nap he has no more than 30 minutes as will be a car nap but this is around once a week now. He sometimes wakes once or he sleeps through which is a huge improvement for him as he was a frequent waker up until a few months ago.
I dropped my daughter's nap when my son was born (she was 2.75 yo) because I didn't have uninterrupted time to put her down for it anymore. She went from sleeping three hours 1-4 in the afternoon to getting all of her sleep at night. If she woke up at night, she was pretty miserable the next day. After switching to a big bed (around 3) I put a light by her bed so she could wake up without having to come get me. The rule was stay in your room unless you need to go potty. My son is now 2 and starting to drop his nap on his own. They're both good sleepers but more than naps I think the secret to my success is me lecturing them about how miserable I was on days when they would wake me up at night. They know the difference between when mommy is up and about vs half dead on the couch, and I've definitely hammered home that connection for them. 🤣 Hang in there. The first few months with 2 is so hard, but it gets much, much better. 🙂
Mines 3 today and sleeps through the night most nights unless he's sick, if he does wake he rolls and falls right back to sleep. He naps once or twice a week and on those days he goes to bed at about 9pm-7.30ish And on the days he doesn't nap he falls asleep around 7-8 and sleeps till 7-8am
3 year old does not nap. If he does on the odd occasion about 30 mins 3pm. He goes to bed about 7.30 but will probably faff about until 8.30 when he drifts off proper. Then he sleeps through till 7/8am
I put my son down for a nap between 12 and 1pm. He will usually nap about 2.5 if I don't interrupt him. He usually sleeps through the night if he's had a good dinner or a bedtime snack. He doesn't nap easily anymore, but I'll put him down and give him a book to look at anyway and he'll usually be content for an hour or so so I can get some time to myself during the day 😪
My stepson is 3 and a half. When he was the age of your toddler, his bedtime was 7, and he would nap at noon for a couple hours, give or take. For the longest time, we've always made it routine to turn on white noise and his car light to signal that it was time to get ready for bed.
My 2 and a half year old very rarely naps during the day, but we try not to let him go past an hour.
My 2.5 year old has slept through the night since a year. People say I’m crazy but she naps like 330-5pm and goes to bed at 9:30. She wakes up around 8am. BUT she has only every contact napped. She sleeps at night in her crib though. I don’t think it would work for a lot of toddlers but it does for mine.
My 3 year old does not nap. Her night routine is as follows: bath 7-7:30, then we read a bed time story and snuggle until she falls asleep. Sometimes her younger brother nurses on my side other side while she snuggles. Other times he is downstairs with dad, all depends on if he is ready for bed too or not. I will add here that I co-sleep and I attribute much of my sleep success to that.