@Charlotte he does watch YouTube I wonder he might seen something there 🤔 because he started doing this last two days but before he was so loving towards his sister and now it’s like totally opposite and it’s scares me especially the way he tries to suffocate her different ways it’s scary. I will have to check the history on YouTube what he been watching thank you for the idea it was actually helpful you mentioned tv because I didn’t thought of this.
Can you ask him to help with little tasks to help you? E.g. to pass you a nappy or the wipes something you need help with whilst also helping his sister. Have you also spent one on one time with him since his sister arrived? Personally I don't allow YouTube, even the kids ones as you never know what is going to come up next
I think this is normal behaviour. We’ve only got our May 22 boy but my sister just recently had a baby and I was quite surprised at my son’s reaction to him because he loves other kids. Initially he refused to look at him, became extremely upset whenever I hold the new baby, shouts and screams when I ask him if he wants to go and see him. He will get excited to see his aunty and uncle but as soon as I mention the baby he will stamp his feet and refuse to come and when we are there he will bounce on the couch near him and laugh when I tell him not to. You’ve not done anything wrong and I think their brains just struggle to process seeing their mum give attention to someone else as they have been the baby for so long. It sounds like your boy is just upset and stressed out and confused about the new dynamic. I’ve just started giving my boy even more hugs and kisses when we’re with the baby and tell him he’s my best boy. I think it will take a while for him to adjust xx
This is absolutely nothing you have done! I also have the same age gap, 2.5 toddler and 8 months old baby (3rd April). My toddler generally loves his sister but he definitely has his moments. Sometimes I've left the room for a second and he has hit her and she's crying. I tend not to leave them alone together, just take one of them with me every time but it's extremely difficult and exhausting. Does your little one watch TV? Could it be something that he is seeing and copying? Sounds like the hurting himself is for your attention and there isn't much you can do there as you can't not change the babies nappy 😔 sorry, not super helpful