Baby Not Crawling

Hi Mamas, My baby is 10 months and not crawling. He started sitting up on his own, so now he won’t even army crawl but goes into sitting. Anyone else in this phase? Will he ever crawl?😕
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My little one has no interest in crawling, he stands up and walks about (with help!) But no crawling, he hates being on his front xxx

Mine is 10.5 months and screams if put on her tummy. Has never even attempted to crawl or get into crawling position. She is walking already tho and has been trying to walk since 7.5 months. Some babies skip it entirely so don’t worry. He will probably start walking early and surprise you.

I posted something exactly the same a few days ago. It’s been about a week and a half of just sitting up as soon as he’s on his tummy. But yesterday, he’s started moving towards toys/books. It started off as more of an army crawl, but today now and then he’ll go on hands and knees for a couple of moves then back to army crawling. I do think with some more time and figuring out, he will crawl eventually.

I know its worrying when other babies the same age are crawling and more but honestly this is completely normal. My neice skipped crawling and went straight to walking at 10 months and I know other babies esp boys (don't know if it's an old wives tale but been a reality in my circle) that didn't crawl even until 1.5 and then just started walking. Am sure your baby is doing other wonderful things ahead of milestones. Try and enjoy this time before you know it he'll be opening drawers, climbing and up to all sorts of chaos! 💜

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