I am still sharing at 25 months. He will move on when he’s ready. We use a floor bed and have since he started rolling. You’re doing great!
Doctors don't know shit! Do what is best for you and your baby. Trust your intuition and inner knowing. I co slept with all my babies for years.
That's parenting advice and doctors don't know any more about parenting than any random person. They're just passing along something they personally believe or something other patients have said to them. It's nonsense. Keep sleeping with your baby if it's working for you! In cultures where children sleep in their parents' bed until they're much older, I promise you that there are no 30 year old children still sleeping with their mom.
Lmao I didn't read more than the first paragraph to be honest. I coslept with my daughter until she was 6 years old. She is 9 now and absolutely loves having her own room. And she tells me so much that she loved sleeping in bed with me but having her own space is awesome but she does still cuddle with me. And my son, we try to not Co sleep with him. We haven't since he was 7 months. And honestly. I hate it. Lol. I love snuggling with my babies. 😭😭 My son absolutely loves to be on his own though. Always cuddled then would fuss until we laid him down. He's 9 months now. I just think it's different for all parents and children. I let my kids lead the way on what they are comfortable with. I let them set their own boundaries from day one. I don't let them get into craziness though. I do have my boundaries. My sister and I'm strict enough to where she loves when her and her boys are over because they're more focused and attentive with everyone instead of on their phones.
Plus I helped raise my eldest nephew and I coslept with him.
It's bonding. It's necessary. It's how they grow healthier.
I coslept. Didn’t plan to and had a bedside bassinet but my bed at the time was so low I still had to halfway crawl up outta my bed to get her and cosleeping made breastfeeding way easier at nights as I could sleep too. She got her own room around 1. She’d still sleep with us or I’d sleep with her (she has a Q mattress) until she fell asleep. If she woke, she’d come into our room across the hall. Then our living situation changed and we coslept again. Now she’s almost 3 and again has her own room. Sometimes she falls asleep in our room and she’ll stay or one of us will carry her to her room. Sometimes I’ll lay with her in her room until she falls asleep. If I do her room, she’ll sleep in there the entire night. Then when she wakes in the morning she’ll come to our room and get in the bed whether her and I watch tv for a bit or sometimes she’ll go right back to sleep for a few more hours.
I don’t mind it. Most nights it’ll be me and dad and she comes in the morning. When it’s all 3, it’s manageable. But she’s been sleeping wild lately so her dad will go to a different room if he feels the need or if we’re asleep before he comes home and she’s all over the place and he wants to watch loud tv. But on a whole note, it’s no big issue. If prompted to go sleep in her room, she will and will stay there all night long as long as I’m there while she dozes off and she can find me when she wakes up. And with her grandmas she cosleeps with them or they’ll be there until she falls asleep and then go back before she’s up so they’re there when she wakes up.
Also as they said, doctors are just giving advice. You don’t have to do or believe in everything your doctor says. ESPECIALLY something like this which is more of an opinion versus facts persuading your child’s health
My oldest was in our bed till just after three. We said let's move your bed to your room and did it. He still came back to us loads and will still come to us in the night sometimes, he's 5. My youngest is still in our bed he's 15 months. I'm not moving him for a while. They all learn to sleep on their own in their own time.
Do what you think is best. Every baby is deferent and needs different things. That being said transitioning my baby into her own bed in her own room was one of the best things I ever did. I mentally and emotionally became a better mom, I was more active and engaged with my kid. Also my baby thrived she got 1000 x more and better sleep. Before she was constantly fussy and unable to ride in the car. In a few weeks she was so much happier, and able to go and do so much more.
Ignore your doctor, everyone eventually sleeps on their own
We moved my oldest to his own room and bed just after his 2nd birthday. Went pretty smoothly. I just slept on his floor for about a month.
I’ve bed shared since 7 months. My son has a full sized mattress on the floor of his room. He goes to bed with his dad initially and his dad leaves and goes to bed. I’m up watching tv or reading. He wakes and looks for me, I go to bed then with him. He used to go to sleep alone before getting sick as an infant and that’s when we made the mistake of bed sharing. Haven’t been able to break it but I’m content with sleeping with him. Nothing beats the smiles and kisses in the morning 🫶🏻
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Idk my pediatrician didn’t advocate for co sleeping or bed sharing but when we shared that we did & planed to continue she stated her household also cosleeps
We bed shared with our now 3 year old from being a baby right up until he turned 2 years old then he went into his own room into a cot bed and loved it ☺️
Thanks for all the stories and support! It’s so nice to hear how successful bed sharing has been for other families and how the transitions were made when baby was ready. They all sound so confident around sleep it’s very encouraging :)
I think it’s true, in general, that the later you leave it the harder it can be to settle them in their own bed/room. As the older the are the more conscious they are of the change. But obvs up to you, and many parents do leave it longer and still make the transition ok.
Funny thing is my daughter slept in her crib the first 6 months and then started cosleeping because I was freaking exhausted. It would take hours to get her to sleep and if I was lucky she would sleep 4 hours. She is almost two and still sleeps with me. She sleeps great. My fiance has a huge problem with it. Honestly he can shove it because idgaf about his opinion on it because he does nothing to help change the cosleeping. It’s the most natural thing to Cosleep and he doesn’t understand at all the natural things people do and has so much trauma to overcome.
We bed share with our 1 year old still!! I’ve heard that it’s better to keep baby in your room with you until they are 1 to help reduce the risk of sids. I tried having my boy sleep in his own bed at 6 months & it was hell for both of us. Around 9 months we tried again and it was a lot better!! Now right after he turned 1, he takes all his naps in his crib & sleeps in his own bed for about half the night & then will come in bed with us. I will say, we live in a 1 bedroom apartment & his bed is setup in our closet, so he hears us tossing & turning and that could be what’s walking him up & it could very well be better if he had his own room.