My twins are 1 years old and won't stand or walk
@Katie we are not alone! Yeah she has no desire to. I know she can tho like she hasn’t been behind on any milestones but just very slow with things
@Leah that’s great she can stand on her own and step !
Literally just took our first steps a few weeks ago, but got nervous when we started falling. It's only within the last couple of days that she has had the confidence to really walk on her own. I don't think 13 months is late, though. She still looks so little to me, pattering around on her little feet! I'm stressing hard about the mobility because I know I'm not going to have a moment to sit down now. 🥲
My baby is 13 months and not walking. She stands on her own, walks with assistance and will take one step on her own but not walking yet 🥲