my little one is the same 🫣
@Lauren I hope you don't mind me asking but which probiotics are you using? My dietician appointment is a long way off yet
@Raisa were using optibac for babies, it’s a powder that you put into cold food preferably at breakfast (I put it in a couple of spoonfuls of yoghurt and then just give him his normal breakfast!) it’s completely flavourless and its allergy friendly :) (but it’s pricey - I think all probiotics are!)
Thanks for your replies everyone! I'll start the probiotics back up again and hopefully they will make a difference 🙏🤞 I keep meaning to make a food diary to see if specific things are making it worse but I'm lazy and just never get round to it 🙈
My LO has been on probiotics for about 1 month now (recommended by a dietician for a different issue) and I have noticed that it seems to have reduced his wind and improved the consistency of his poo. He struggled with wind as a tiny baby and we did use infacol/gripe water but I do think the probiotics have been more effective!