Yeah I’ve just had 2 recalls lately on things I’ve bought. Both from Costco 🤔
@Drew It is crazy that I’m less concerned about contamination and more concerned about label printing errors. As an allergy mom it’s terrifying when they don’t declare ingredients because it’s a constant reminder that food can be unsafe unless I grow it in my own yard. I check and recheck every label before feeding my kids but knowing it could still be wrong is definitely anxiety producing.
@Dana 🦅♥️🤍💙 yes that's definitely scary. im sorry if it sounded dismissive. I didn't mean it like that. I'm thankful we haven't had any allergy issues. I tend to grow a lot of our stuff and make everything from scratch.
@Jen the eggs and salmon?
@Sarah 🎀 the eggs yes! The other one for us was the baby carrots
What food recalls? Is this uk?
@Lu US
Wow what’s some major recalls I should Research this
Our food is trash. Our regulations are trash. Im very picky about what I buy and what's in it. But I find it disgusting how many recalls I see. I did see a few recently that were recalled bc of label printing errors and not actual contamination