Yes same thing happened to me. It was about 4 weeks for me to feel totally comfy on my side again. If you have a pregnancy pillow, I’d recommend sleeping with it. This helped me a lot try to get on my side again
Do not rush yourself to recover and don’t compare yourself to others as everyone has different pain barriers. It is a major operation that you have had and you are so brave for doing it ( this applies for anyone whose had a child) x
I slept up right on my pregnancy pillow for a good 2 weeks before even attempting to lay on myside I was fine walking around had to be due to baby being in the nicu I didn’t have to time to even think about the discomfort or pain but the laying down and standing up is definitely when I felt it most I was also told where they make the first incision it’s always more painful and hardest to heal and that was the right hand side for me it was the last to close and still now 3 months later its tender
I couldn’t lay on my right side for 3-4 weeks, one side of your scar is tighter than the other depending on what side the surgeon was. Rest up x
Like Gabby I couldn’t sleep on my side for ages. The only way I could get comfy was on my back and propt up with cushions xx
i wasnt able to sleep on my side until 2 months after my c-section 😭