Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.
I have no professional references for my resume and I don’t want to lie and add random names (friends and family) because I have never done any kind of work with them
Hi everyone! I’m 25 weeks pregnant and still struggling to choose which hospital to give birth in 😩 Because of proximity, I’m currently registered for appointments at the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead but it’s quite an old one and doesn’t seem to have the best reviews when it comes to actual labour. Can you…
So, I know my midwife! We went to school together and haven't seen eachother in 18 years.. all has been fine so far with appointments BUT I was told all bloods and sweeps etc will be done at hospital. I had an appointment today and she mentioned that baby is big and they will want to induce on or close after my due ...
Barely felt any movements today and my belly has also went rock hard over night and I’ve got so much pressure! is that normal
Felt pretty good since my op with minimal pain, day 3 and it is more sore and tender, slight itch on right side, patch still on so can’t see wound. Is this normal? I feel like I’m winding myself up with anxiety and thinking I have infection already. No redness/heat or swelling that I can see
Had our dating scan today for my third rainbow! We're currently 11+5 and baby is growing nicely 🥰 Any guesses on gender? I'm still debating finding out or not 😂
She had a spend a good 10 minutes prodding around and getting me to do table gymnastics as baby kept bouncing around and turning sideways but now my stomach is quite sore and feels internally bruised. Should I be worried?
I’m going all out for my baby the theme is notorious one lol he’s going to come In on a red carpet in his Benz g wagon they are going to have sparking apple cider in they champagne glasses any more ideas to have at the party my man said the milk chocolate cigars ummm idk bout that one
Anyone else tired of their underwear being wet allllll the time from discharge lately or is it just me? 🫣😂
During having my spinal block done I felt a twang in my right thigh and my leg jumped out. Since then I have felt pain in my thigh and today I went to kneel down and the pain was too much I fell onto my side. I’m now limping. C section was 16 days ago. Has anyone else experienced this?
Hii 🌸 I am in my first trimester currently (8weeks) and struggling with the tiredness which is affecting my usual gym routine. Before pregnancy, I would have listened to my body and rest when I feel it need it and go another time, as long as I did 3x sessions a week, but I’m tired all the time at the moment.. I…
Anyone else?
Hey mamas, currently 27+3 wks. Just had a scan, am I the only one who’s baby refuses to be head down in the womb 🤣 End of 1st trimester he was feet down End of 2nd trimester he is now transverse Fingers crossed he gets himself upside down by the end of the 3rd 😅
Any one suffer with consistent headaches / eye twitching etc about 3 weeks post partum? They’ve been going on almost 2 weeks. Been checked for blood pressure/clots and ok.
I like to make muffins and pancakes for the family but any recipes I've followed usually have sugar. I've tried honey but wondered if there were any other alternatives? I've tried recipes that just have a banana in it to sweeten it but my husband doesn't like bananas and they always turn out rock solid and stodgy…
Hello ladies I am currently in 36 weeks pregnant and having severe left lower abdominal pain. Doctor said everything is good but its just that because of this pain , i am unable to sleep on left or right. This pain isnt allowing me to sit properly or to sleep. Also heart burn started recently 😔 Anyone having…
I can’t believe my son is 6 months already
I (24) ended up going to the er yesterday morning after passing a clot bigger than a quarter while having some mild cramping and bleeding. I thought I was 12+4 with baby number two, but after waiting 6.5 hours, we found out that baby had passed at 9+2. I have an almost 2 year old and I don’t want to say looking at h...
I’m crying 😭😭😭
I’m due 21st April and have had these appointments though, does anybody know what the anaesthetic one could be for? I’ve had a previous c section but I’m not to sure thank you xx