Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.

First Cervix Check

I am 38 weeks today and had my first cervix check. I am 2cm dilated and 70-80% effaced. She told me that I could expect some light spotting and some cramping afterwards, especially as she worded it she “wasn’t gentle and really got up and around there”. Thankfully it didn’t hurt but she felt around baby’s head quite...


First appointment tomorrow

Im having my first midwife appointment tomorrow and this is my first pregnancy. I dont really know what to expect and what i will be asked or what i should be asking. Any tips? x


rainbow baby?

how soon after a miscarriage can you become pregnant?


Early miscarriage

I had what i thought was my period on 1st feb, it was extremely light and only lasted 2 days and was about 2 weeks late but I didn’t think anything of it Fast forward to monday (24th) i’ve started bleeding again and very heavy soaking through 3 pads a day and passing a lot of clots, ive never had a period like this ...


Vaginal Birth or C Section?!

I know this is absolutely my decision but I would really love some advice as I am stressing myself going from one to the other. I have a very low pain threshold and I suffer with anxiety/panic attacks to the point where I nearly pass out when something doesn’t feel right in my body and when I am in hospital as my ...


Baby girl name

My son’s name is Aziel, and we are looking for a nice name for our 2 week old daughter that goes with his name. *Not starting with A Any suggestions? Thanks :)


Do you guys see a vvvvvf shadow?

Or is it just me. 8dpo pm on a 2h hold, will test tomorrow but couldn’t wait. Can post more pics if needed


Names that mean.....

We are having our 6th and final baby and want a name that means complete, mising piece found, literal meaning of 6, journey, etc something to signify our family is complete


Bloody show?

Hi girls, sorry this is so tmi, but I’m 33 weeks and today had some really bad lightning crotch to the point where it stopped me in my tracks. When I went to the toilet about an hour later there was the tiniest little line of darker discharge in my underwear but it was so tiny that I wasn’t panicking about it. Has ...


Running nose

My baby has her first running nose besides the Frieda does anyone have any other suggestions. My poor baby can’t breathe well through her nose. (Luckily no fever)


20w Scan - Head is 5th percentile

Has this happened to anyone? They are having us back in 2 weeks to re check. How worried should I be?🥺



How often are you guys getting checked with ultrasounds? Can one ask to be seen more often? Newbie mommy to be here 🥹💜


Leg cramps

Oh my days, never has anything like it! Right in the backs of my calves… like really really sharp pain that leaves my leg sore for the rest of the day… That is all… 😅


Birth Daayyy ❤️ 37 weeks 3 days

I had my baby boy this morning ❤️


Ways to find out gender?

I want something different. Feel like the cake glass thing is quite influencer-y and cannons are the go to but I’m just looking for some fun ideas ☺️


Elective C-Section

Does anyone know which two days a week that they do elective c-sections at Wigan? Thank you ☺️


Not rolling

My LO is 6 months and is still not rolling. She does tummy time and can sit aided and hold her head but no signs of rolling yet. Is this normal? I am unsure


Braxton Hicks or early labour?! Planned C section next week 😥

I’ve been having cramping in my back and abdominal tightening for 3 hours as well as diarrhoea… I’m due Elective C section next week and I’m just worried if I am in early labour will they operate or encourage a VBAC?


GD is making me more emotional??! Just a rant 😩

I was diagnosed with GD (so annoying) and so I’ve been needing to watch my carb intake and check my blood glucose 4 times a day. This process has started to make me realize how much a yummy snack actually impacts my mood and emotions. Being 33 weeks pregnant, I’m achey, and sometimes cranky… and all I want is some...


Braxton hicks or early labour!?? One week before planned C section

I’ve been having cramping in my back and abdominal tightening for 3 hours as well as diarrhoea… I’m due Elective C section next week and I’m just worried if I am in early labour will they operate or encourage a VBAC?


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