Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
On Wednesday, 26 Feb at 23:34 my gorgeous little baby boy made his appearance through an emergency C-section. Everything went well and we're both at home now. More details below in case anyone is going through similar things. Scheduled induction at 41+2 on Wednesday. Pessary inserted at 12:30 and put on continuo...
I'm in absolute agony 5weeks post partum. It's just not recovering. Anyone else have this??? Just need advice. The hospital have turned me away 3 times in row with the advice of it will take time bla bla. They have given 3 different courses of antibiotics to help even though I have no infection.
Hi everyone I’m going in for a C-Section on Monday and I just thought about the overnight bag situation and do we bring them in when we go into the birthing centre first thing? Or should we keep them in the car until after the C-Section and have been assigned a room after recovery? I didn’t think to ask Thank yo...
Hey so I’m 32+3 and for the past week I’ve been losing bits of my mucus plug and lost quite a big part of it a few days ago, since then I’ve been getting really bad cramping like pains and really bad pain in my cervix area I’m pretty sure I maybe be 1-2cm dilated but haven’t had a proper check yet, I’ve also been ne...
Hey I am currently 40+3 with no signs of labour and feeling frustrated. I have tried everything and I was 2 weeks late with my first and ended up with an induction. I really don't want to be induced this time, anyone got any advice?
Anyone else? I’ve been living life pretty normal since week 2/3 and had the occasional pain but been quite sore today. Nothing unbearable but surprised. I’m feeling pain by my right side/ ovary mainly but also some above my incision, Have not really increased what I’ve been doing/ lifting.
Varies from looking like it’s stopping and turning to spotting to restarting with fresh red blood. Small clots too. And occasional cramps. Anyone else?
I was induced on Wednesday and still in hospital waiting for an opening to have my waters broken. Please someone tell me it gets better 😣😣😣 I’m so fed up!!
I was induced and after my they broke my waters, my contractions came on hard and fast. My plan was to get the epidural, so the doctor came in and started it but could not get it in the right place, even had to get another doctor to attempt but they couldn’t do it and I ended up being hunched over for almost 3 hours...
Hey guys, I had my c section 9 days ago but for the past few days just before I need to poop and during I am in excruciating pain, is this normal??
Has anybody had a VBAC after not dilating last time? Or have you tried and ended in c section again?
Has anyone in here had a baby via emergency c section before because they couldn’t dilate (at all)? I’ve got a meeting about what I want to do this time around on Tuesday and I’m just trying to see if anyone is in the same boat
I’m curious. There seems to be such a rise in c-section births of late. I had one, all my close mama friends who are first time mamas have had one and usually for similar reasons - baby heart rate, not being dilated enough etc. But it seems to be happening so frequently! Of course, the most important thing is that...
Hi, I’ve had two lots of the pessary this week in hospital which hasn’t been successful. I’m waiting for a doctor to come and see me about next steps - I’m beginning to think a c-section may be mentioned. Now I’m starting to think that having had two lots of hormone pessary and it doing nothing, will I have problems...
I had my first emergency c section back in 2021. I’m due my second c section on the 10th. So I was just wondering ladies, who’s had multiple c sections.. how did you find recovery for the second? Was it a lot more difficult than your first or did you find yourself breezing through it? Just need experiences good and...
Have an elective there on Monday. Managed to ask all my questions on the lead up to but I've - are we able to get food delivered in or are we limited to hospital offerings? Thanks in advance!
I’m 40 weeks 5 days, I’ve done 4 membrane sweep and cervix is still closed and posterior. I having being having constant braxton hicks and tighten since 9pm last night and manage to sleep for like 2 hours through the night. Is this a sign of labour is it worth ringing triage?
I’ve been trying to make sure I get everything I can think of that I might need but I’d love some more suggestions or things you wished you would’ve brought So far I got lots of different changes of clothes, a robe sweatpants shorts, tank top, and a T-shirt as well as slippers Then water bottles pillows blankets...
For my c-section mamas, how long were you in the hospital after the surgery? This time I have a planned cesarean and I'm dreading being away from my 2 year old. I'm scheduled for 7a. Any chance I'll be heading home the next day?
Does this look like it needs to be checked by a gp? His cord fell off about 4 weeks ago and still seems wet