Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Recovery post c-section

Hi ladies 👋🏼 I had an emergency c-section and still not feeling 100% physically. Going for a walk feels like an effort and I haven’t yet started any physical activity either. Just wondering if it’s just me or general feeling with a c-section. Ta.


Failed induction leading to c-section

Going in for an induction in a few days, I’ll be 38 weeks exactly. This is due to baby’s measurements, 95th percentile. If the IOL fails I’ll need a c-section. Does anyone know, if the induction were to be unsuccessful, would they keep me in and do a section then or give me a later date to come back? The thought of ...


Time of birth

Random one but I have memory books which you enter time of birth etc.. did anyone get told a time of birth different to their paperwork. I had a c section and asked in theatre what time he was born and was given a time but the paperwork is 20 mins later!


VBAC or elective c section?

Just had my first consultant appointment due to being high risk pregnancy. My consultant gave me the options for a VBAC or elective. He’s booked me in to see him again at 36 weeks with my decision. I honestly haven’t got a clue what I want. I keep thinking is a VBAC going to end in an emergency surgery anyway🤷‍♀️🫣 …


C section jokes

Does anyone else crack Csections jokes I’ve had 2 babies via emergency Csections and idk why people find it so offensive when they are talking about how much they enjoyed labour I always joke 2 babies no labour something along those lines and everyone seems so offended


Feeling deflated

Started getting contractions last night around every 10-20 mins but throughout the night they slowed down and it’s more like this 😩 anyone else had this? I’m 40+1! I also had a sweep on Thursday and was told I’m 2cm


2 weeks Post c section questions

When/how did you shave down there post c section? I don’t know if I’m over thinking it but my scar is right on my bikini line and I desperately want to shave but don’t want to irritate anything or get an infection. Also when did everyone have sex post c section and did it feel okay? What position was most comforta...


Getting out of bed

Hi everyone. I'm due my c section tomorrow but just wondering when I'm home how do I get out of bed if I have the next to me crib next to the bed,it's not easy to move. Am I going to have to sleep on the sofa for a few days/weeks lol what's everyone been doing. Thanks


Should I head in yet…

Hey ladies, so I’m due with my first this coming week but started going into early labor today. I talked with the nurse earlier and she said when things start to intensify, I should go in. She told me I shouldn’t be able to talk through the contractions. I can still talk through the contractions I’m having, but they...


Tips to induce labor naturally

39 weeks pregnant here… and want to induce labor naturally. Give me some good tips!


Getting pregnant this year

Hi everyone. I know this month is that last month to have a 2025 baby. Any tips on conceiving fast? Geritol didn’t work for me. Thanks for the advice in advance!


Yes ik ik this is a confrontational topic , please don't be mean I just want to know

So yes i know this is a highly confrontational topic but please let me know. My son is now 4 months old had his appointment for a circumcision on Monday after his 4 month shots . And I got a call saying " hey is this x parent " I said yes and then this...... " I'm working at home today and just got a call from dr.x...


Period leaks.

Not sure if there’s a solution to this. But nearly every period I have, more soo after birth with them being slightly heavier I am leaking through multiple clothing. However it’s not the amount, there’s not alot of blood. Im hardly filling a pad but it’s leaking down the sides (groin area) any suggestions how I can...


Were you wheeled out of the hospital?

I gave birth in NH and when it was time to go home we asked if there was a wheelchair coming, since we were conditioned to think it’s every hospital’s policy. The nurse made fun of me for asking and said that if I needed a wheelchair to leave I wasn’t ready to go home..


Visitors after birth

If you're close with your parents and they live locally, when did you allow your mom and dad to visit you after the birth of baby? They want to be in the waiting room at the hospital, which I have said yes to. But as far as coming over after we go home, I'm not sure. My sibling and parents live five minutes away. Ri...


Signs of labor, but no contractions

I'm 39w2d. Earlier this week they found I was 3cm dilated and my doctor told me to expect delivery to be "any day"! I lost my mucus plug yesterday and have been having bad heartburn, but no signs of contractions. I really hope I go into labor this weekend because I don't want to go in to work on Monday 😅 and I…


Baby boy is here

On Wednesday, 26 Feb at 23:34 my gorgeous little baby boy made his appearance through an emergency C-section. Everything went well and we're both at home now. More details below in case anyone is going through similar things. Scheduled induction at 41+2 on Wednesday. Pessary inserted at 12:30 and put on continuo...


Anyone's had a stitch on labia?

I'm in absolute agony 5weeks post partum. It's just not recovering. Anyone else have this??? Just need advice. The hospital have turned me away 3 times in row with the advice of it will take time bla bla. They have given 3 different courses of antibiotics to help even though I have no infection.


Going in for a C-Section

Hi everyone I’m going in for a C-Section on Monday and I just thought about the overnight bag situation and do we bring them in when we go into the birthing centre first thing? Or should we keep them in the car until after the C-Section and have been assigned a room after recovery? I didn’t think to ask Thank yo...


Should I be worried or is it normal?

Hey so I’m 32+3 and for the past week I’ve been losing bits of my mucus plug and lost quite a big part of it a few days ago, since then I’ve been getting really bad cramping like pains and really bad pain in my cervix area I’m pretty sure I maybe be 1-2cm dilated but haven’t had a proper check yet, I’ve also been ne...


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