Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Arm numbness

Has anyone experienced arm numbness, tingling after a c section? I’m currently 5 weeks pp after a planned cs.


did anyone have their mum in the room whilst giving birth?

my partner will obviously be there, but my mum really wants to be as well. i’m just not sure.. a family friend was there when her daughter was giving birth & said it was the best experience; but i’m just not sure!


C-Section and compression socks

I’ve been given compression socks for the operation do I need to put them on before I go into hospital or do I take them with me to put on?


Thoughts on a second baby?

My little girl is 13 months and we’ve absolutely loved having her around. It took us 3 years to conceive as I got told I wouldn’t be able to have children due to my PCOS, however we were blessed with our little miracle baby. It’s been SO hard at times, especially during leaps and teething or when she’s had nights w...


Induction or c section?

Opinions on induction vs c section - what is everyone’s thoughts? Have you had a c section or induction before? If so, what was it like?


Elective c section Mamas

Just wondering when or if you’ve yet been told when you will be having a section? I am keen to understand when it may likely be just because I have taken some annual leave before due date but I do see it tends to be 1 week before due date? I haven’t discussed this with my midwife at all yet but will at next appointment



How long did your little bub spend in NICU after being born preterm? I’m feeling really down not having baby with me..


Any advice please

I went to hospital today for reduced movements but baby is fine. However they're saying she is almost back to back. Is there anything I can do to turn her round? And with my hospital being midlife led I have to go and speak to the consultant tomorrow to discuss going to labour 2 hours away in a consultant led hosp...


Just some words of wisdom

Apparently contractions can feel like body aches from the flu. My daughter has a chest cold that I also caught. Well yesterday morning starting around 4am, I started having what I thought was bad body aches from being sick so I was alternating Tylenol and cold medicine every 4 hours to manage the pain (it was quite ...


Sleeping positions post surgery

Just wondering how you sleep after a c section (position wise)?



Anyone else’s baby still breech at 33+5 weeks? The thought of having a EVC makes me feel sick 🤢 what’s the likelihood that baby will turn by 36 weeks?


Core pain

I'm 3 months post c-section and the last couple of days I've been having pains in my core - feels exactly like after the actual c-section did its extremely uncomfortable and somewhat awful ): has this happened to anyone else my scar has also started to ache in the corners


Second birth

I’m due to have my second baby in May. For those of you who have already welcomed a baby no.2, was your second labour shorter/faster than your first?


40 weeks + 1 day 😩😩how long did it take for you to have your 3rd?

How long did it take for labour to start with your third? If my girls not here by Tuesday I’m looking at induction being booked with my midwife! I’ve had an induction on my first , I can’t stand the thought of it 🤦🏻‍♀️


Recovery post c-section

Hi ladies 👋🏼 I had an emergency c-section and still not feeling 100% physically. Going for a walk feels like an effort and I haven’t yet started any physical activity either. Just wondering if it’s just me or general feeling with a c-section. Ta.


Failed induction leading to c-section

Going in for an induction in a few days, I’ll be 38 weeks exactly. This is due to baby’s measurements, 95th percentile. If the IOL fails I’ll need a c-section. Does anyone know, if the induction were to be unsuccessful, would they keep me in and do a section then or give me a later date to come back? The thought of ...


Time of birth

Random one but I have memory books which you enter time of birth etc.. did anyone get told a time of birth different to their paperwork. I had a c section and asked in theatre what time he was born and was given a time but the paperwork is 20 mins later!


VBAC or elective c section?

Just had my first consultant appointment due to being high risk pregnancy. My consultant gave me the options for a VBAC or elective. He’s booked me in to see him again at 36 weeks with my decision. I honestly haven’t got a clue what I want. I keep thinking is a VBAC going to end in an emergency surgery anyway🤷‍♀️🫣 …


C section jokes

Does anyone else crack Csections jokes I’ve had 2 babies via emergency Csections and idk why people find it so offensive when they are talking about how much they enjoyed labour I always joke 2 babies no labour something along those lines and everyone seems so offended


Feeling deflated

Started getting contractions last night around every 10-20 mins but throughout the night they slowed down and it’s more like this 😩 anyone else had this? I’m 40+1! I also had a sweep on Thursday and was told I’m 2cm


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