Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Going home from C Section

Hey! I was wondering what people have or are packing to wear home? After a C section? Struggling to find comfy baggy bottoms that are high waisted! Thanks for your help!


41+4 Contractions or?

I’m 41+4 today and had a failed sweep yesterday as my cervix was still closed. This morning, I’ve been experiencing pelvic pain that comes and goes in waves. I was under the impression that contractions would mostly feel like period cramps in my stomach/abdomen, so I’m not sure if this is just random pain, cramping,...



Ladies I am 7 weeks pp today following an elective c section and I have started to bleed quite heavily again, my bleeding had stopped ages ago with my first has anyone else had this?



I had a bloody show yesterday and then around 9pm last night I started having really painful contractions that started in my back then round my belly and the pain built up, they were on and off all night and have carried on this morning but they are averaging around 10-15 mins apart 😫😫 I hope this is the start of…


Personal question 😬

does the increased discharge ever go away? i keep having to wear panty liner but they keep irritating my skin.! help me please!!!🙏🏻


C Section

Hi Guys , 4 Days PP . What are some tips with dealing with the incision & pain as well ? Especially with a hanging pouch ( belly ) as I would say .


C-section or natural Birth?

Hi just curious did you have a natural birth or a c-section and how was your experience?


C-section hospital bag

My antenatal classes were focused around natural birth and so did not really prepare us for c-section. I was planning to go natural but my baby is breech so I’m scheduled to go in a for a c-section. Any tips or advice on what I’d need in the hospital after a c-section ? Thanks in advance


GBS Positive 37 weeks pregnant

I just got my group b test back and it’s positive I’m kinda scared. I haven’t heard from my midwife yet because it’s Sunday but I was curious if maybe you guys can help me understand. My first question, I know that this will mean I need to have the antibiotics within 4 hour windows but how will I know when the win...


Tirion Birth Centre Vs Health MLU

Hello! Has anyone had or is anyone from/living in Cardiff planning on birthing in Tirion? My first was in a freestanding midwife unit near Bristol and had a great experience, the clinicalness of hospital really makes me anxious, both during the labour and after you've given birth. Does anyone have any positive bir...



Did anyone do acupuncture to help naturally induce after your "due dates?" And did it work for you? I don't want to be induced and don't want to go past 42 weeks. I know we can't fully know if something worked but if you went into labor soon after acupuncture after your due date, would love to know before I spend t...


How much notice do you have to give for a home birth?

I’m due next month but really would love to give birth at home this time. Not sure if it’s too late


39 weeks

Is it a must to have induction at 41 weeks? I am 39 weeks today and scared about having induction or any other treatment as I want a natural birth


Fasting while pregnant

Any Muslim mum to be who is fasting or has chosen non to fast? I am reading a lot about how bad it is fasting during pregnancy and I am scared. I am 39 weeks so not long to go now


Post C section

This is my second C section. This time it was an elective c section. I completely forgot how painful it is when you experience contractions from your uterus changing size. How long does this last for?! I feel like this time round the pain is worse! Taking regular pain relief. I probably have over done it a bit toda...


Arm numbness

Has anyone experienced arm numbness, tingling after a c section? I’m currently 5 weeks pp after a planned cs.


did anyone have their mum in the room whilst giving birth?

my partner will obviously be there, but my mum really wants to be as well. i’m just not sure.. a family friend was there when her daughter was giving birth & said it was the best experience; but i’m just not sure!


C-Section and compression socks

I’ve been given compression socks for the operation do I need to put them on before I go into hospital or do I take them with me to put on?


Thoughts on a second baby?

My little girl is 13 months and we’ve absolutely loved having her around. It took us 3 years to conceive as I got told I wouldn’t be able to have children due to my PCOS, however we were blessed with our little miracle baby. It’s been SO hard at times, especially during leaps and teething or when she’s had nights w...


Induction or c section?

Opinions on induction vs c section - what is everyone’s thoughts? Have you had a c section or induction before? If so, what was it like?


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