Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Recovery after 2nd c section?

I had my first emergency c section back in 2021. I’m due my second c section on the 10th. So I was just wondering ladies, who’s had multiple c sections.. how did you find recovery for the second? Was it a lot more difficult than your first or did you find yourself breezing through it? Just need experiences good and...


C section at Southmead Bristol

Have an elective there on Monday. Managed to ask all my questions on the lead up to but I've - are we able to get food delivered in or are we limited to hospital offerings? Thanks in advance!


Contraction or Not

I’m 40 weeks 5 days, I’ve done 4 membrane sweep and cervix is still closed and posterior. I having being having constant braxton hicks and tighten since 9pm last night and manage to sleep for like 2 hours through the night. Is this a sign of labour is it worth ringing triage?


Any tips for to go bags for the hospital

I’ve been trying to make sure I get everything I can think of that I might need but I’d love some more suggestions or things you wished you would’ve brought So far I got lots of different changes of clothes, a robe sweatpants shorts, tank top, and a T-shirt as well as slippers Then water bottles pillows blankets...


Hospital stay after c-section

For my c-section mamas, how long were you in the hospital after the surgery? This time I have a planned cesarean and I'm dreading being away from my 2 year old. I'm scheduled for 7a. Any chance I'll be heading home the next day?


Umbilical granuloma?

Does this look like it needs to be checked by a gp? His cord fell off about 4 weeks ago and still seems wet


How do you know you've dilated

I am 36 weeks pregnant and am having some serious contractions. I've been in and out of the hospital this week, and baby looks fine. The nurse did a check 2 days ago and said the cervix is still closed. Today i came to the hospital and i am just tired of having fingers up my vagina. Its extremely painful for me. The...


Being admitted

Started having contractions this morning about 5am went into triage about 4 was only dilated at 2cm so they sent me home. Just came back I am now 5cm and they’re sending me into the delivery suite.


Has Anyone Used The C-Section Girdles?

I keep getting FB ads for the C-Section Girdle (pic in comments). I’m curious if anyone has used one and did it really help with recovery after your C-Section?


Spinal block

I’d really appreciate it if people can explain to me what it felt like/how it is done for an elective c section. I’m so frightened but understand this is the safest way for baby to arrive due to complications. I’m just really upset and my brain is all over the place. Thank you.


Do you think it's more likely for you to be 1cm dilated when you had children before

I know you can stay at 1cm or even 2cm for weeks, and it doesn't necessarily mean labor is near. I just got my cervix checked at 36 weeks, and I'm 1cm dilated. She told me it's probably because I had a baby before. I just want to know if y'all think that is true.


Parking fine at singleton hospital

Just a heads up for those mammas that will be giving birth in Singleton hospital soon, apparently you can't park in the spaces close to the antenatal unit and maternity ward. They are for staff only. I gave birth last week and we had a lovely letter through the post today for an £80 fine. I don't really find this fa...


Two random questions

How do you know when baby has dropped? I am officially 35 weeks today and feeling so much pressure and random twinges in my lower uterus now. No cramps or anything contraction like but I get a quick pain and heavy feeling and my bump has become no longer rounded. And second what would you pack for your hospital bag ...


C section Monday

Hi ladies. So been told today my c section is on Monday 3rd march. I'm so excited but bloody nervous 😬 this is my second baby but first c section. Tell me I'll be ok please haha 😁😩


Best hospital

The one in downtown or the Mission Trail Baptist ??


Pregnant after 8mth C-section

My period was late and I took 3 pregnancy test and they all came back positive. I’m feeling a bit nervous because I had a C-section in June last year (8months ago). I already have a 9yo who was born via C-section as well. Has anyone been in a similar situation after a recent C-section? How was your experience? Any a...


VBAC mamas

Did anyone get pregnant around 6 months after C section with their second baby and did you have a VBAC or know anyone to did? anonymous as I don't wanna be judged... even doctor said "that was fast"


C section scar stinging

I’m 11 post c section and every so often my scar really stings! It isn’t constant it’s only a few times a day for a while but I’m just wondering does anyone know why? My scar is healing really well but the STINGING! Is there anything I can do to stop it?


Watery discharge

Over the last day or so I have been having some watery discharge. It’s not coming out like a trickle or in a big gush. It’s just coming like normal discharge would (few times a day for a few seconds). Could it be my waters or is it likely to just be watery discharge???


C section scar pain

Scar pain at 32+5… wondering if anyone else has had this? I’m opting for an elective section this time around, but wondering if they’ll consider it earlier than 39 weeks due to the discomfort and movement limitations? Really starting to get me down 😒


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