Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
It’s been like this for me the past two days and happens mainly in the night or when I’m sat down..
I’m 36 almost 37 weeks. I’ve had contractions all day so I went to the hospital. They literally tell you to do that. They were averaging 3-5 minutes apart for over 5 hours. Annnnnnd I’m not in labor? This is my third baby and i had no idea this was even a thing
So my last c section was an emergency one going back 3 years ago now but for the life of me I can’t really remember much after I was brought up to the recovery ward. I think I was in and out of sleep or something?!😅 was I drugged so much?🤣 I remember waking up and seeing my partner, mum and baby holding him for a…
So this is TMI but at around 11:30am I sneezed and instantly felt wet. I was convinced I must’ve just pee’d a tiny bit (🤣) so I immediately changed my knickers and trousers and just went about my day but I’ve since had to change my knickers 4 times. After the 4th change, I put a pad on because I was getting…
My 12th March baby decided to surprise us 8 days early and came on the 4th (🥞day) I’d had my bloody show on Sunday night and from them was having inconsistent contractions up until Monday night when they all of a sudden started coming thick and fast😅 My partner persuaded me to ring triage at 3am Tuesday morning…
I’m 35 weeks and dilated to 1cm but my dr says my cervix is still long so it may or may not be a good thing. I’ve been drinking raspberry leaf tea (dr approved as of this week) and bouncing on a yoga ball so that hopefully when she’s full term I’m dilated more and ready to go! Had both my boys at 37 weeks so not sur...
So, I found out today that I’m going to need a section as baby is still breech. It’s not what I’d planned for. Does anyone have anything that has helped them afterwards? I’ve seen the padded plasters and things but not sure what’s worth getting.
Has anyone had a consultant appointment following an emergency c section with their first LO and also been referred to preterm labour clinic due to risks following previous birth just wondering what happens in these what to expect etc
Is it possible to go into labor without being effaced or dilated until the labor starts?
Hey. Is anyone using the badger notes app? I’m going to be booked in for a c section at 39 weeks. An appointment for fetal monitoring has popped up at 38 weeks. Does that mean my c section will be booked 2 days after?
What's everyone thinking about birth and where to have baby? I have my birth plan meeting tomorrow and have no clue what I want!! Anyone had a successful home birth for their first baby?
Born today via C-section, my Rue.
Hey ladies Currently pregnant with my second surrogate baby yay. I have 3 children of my own (vaginal deliveries). My first surro baby I had a c section. It’s been 4 years since that c section. From personal experience what of are odds of me being able to have a VBack? Thanks ladies
For those of you that have already given birth and got your babies in your arms 🥰 how did you feel before you went into labour? I know there are some signs to look out for; mucus plug/ show, waters breaking, contractions starting etc. but did you feel anything else? Emotions?
Has anyone given their babies with CMPA rusks? What was the outcome?
38+6..have had on an off, maybe 3times today very dull period like cramps in my uterus. Could be labour starting, could be the need to go toilet...who knows! I had such a different labour with my 1st! Period cramps at 4am, waters broke at 5am and contractions started at 6am! Had little man by 7pm the same day...feel...
Looking at TikTok at women packing towels… surely the hospital provide you with towels like they do when you are a patient? Or am I wrong?
Stupid question. I was thinking of taking these to the hospital in my bag for baby or something similar. Do you give baby them cold or do they warm them up?
Hello! Getting my cerclage removed on the March 10th at 36weeks and 4 days wondering if anyone has had this experience and how soon did you go into labor? If it helps I’m 1cm dilated and 88% effaced😅
This group has been so helpful for me as a first time mum with no friends who are also mothers. I came in 11pm 4th mountain time for cervix softener/induction as baby is measuring 99 percentile. I was 1cm 3 hours ago, waiting to get checked in a hour. Any advice on how long this process generally has taken? I’m so u...