Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

First pics!

As everyone starts having their first ultrasounds, post your pics! I know you’re excited to show off your baby, I definitely am!


Sweep query!

Hi ladies, does a sweep feel like a transvaginal scan done in early days of pregnancy for those who have had both?


20 week scan and nuchal fold

I had my 20 week scan today and the nuchal fold came back as 5.6mm. This seems to be on the high side I think and has worried me slightly. Any advice? My 12eeek combined screening was low risk.


High risk

If you are considered a high - risk pregnancy, do you get an ultrasound every 2 weeks?


NT measure 2.4mm confusion

Hi I had my screening and they measured NT at 2.4mm and baby looked fine moving around no concerns but I’ve come back with 1 in 31 chance of downs Does anyone know what could have triggered this? I’ve had my bloods done for Nipt but waiting to hear back I have so much anxiety over it I’m 13+4 but was 12+5 at tim...


Private gender scan

Having spoken to my midwife today, my partner and I have decided to go for a private gender scan. When is the best or right time to do this? I’ll be 17 weeks at the weekend so not sure if that’s still too early. Have 4 weeks until my 20 week scan and don’t want to have them too close


Percentile / growth concern

Hello everyone, had our 20 week scan today. At our 12 week scan was measuring 44% percentile but this time has measured 15% percentile? Looks like they’re measured differently but should I be concerned? I’m worried she’s not growing very well.. Also being referred as may have velamentous cord insertion / placenta i...


PE (Pulmonary Embolism)

Just got diagnosed with PE, doing blood thinners injections twice a day and waiting for VQ scan. Anyone else has been diagnosed or was in previous pregnancies?


Fundal measurements aren’t super accurate right?

I’ve been like 2 weeks behind since they started doing fundal measurements-I was 3 weeks behind this time so she’s sending me for a growth scan. The baby at the last check was in the 40% for weight so feel like it’s just my body type??


Has everyone had their 6-8 week check?

I am still waiting for my baby’s 6-8 week check at the doctors and he is 12 weeks tomorrow. I have phoned time after time and they just say when there is a clinic on they will get in touch but I think it’s absolutely disgusting leaving it this late


Uterine Doppler

Due to having low Papp-a I had a doppler for my 20 week scan. They said it was on the higher side and have therefore been referred to the high risk pregnancy clinic and will be having a scan again in 3 weeks to do the doppler again. Did anyone have this and their second doppler was in the normal range? If not, were ...


Blood results

Hi, I had my midwife appt at 9 weeks on Monday and got these results, I’ve had a google (which I shouldn’t of done 🤦🏼‍♀️) Now I’m really worried! I don’t have my midwife’s number, did anyone else have similar? It shows in my first pregnancy in 2023 that it was in range and this one is out.


The best feeling! 🥰

On cloud 9 after our scan - going back in a week because we’re actually not 12 weeks just yet so they couldn’t confirm measurements and due date. Another chance to see them though so that’s fine with me! After such a long emotional journey I can’t believe this is finally happening! 😭🥹 Anyone else got their 12…


Scan tomorrow

I got my 12 week scan tomorrow. Wish me luck guys. I'm so nervous about it. I already have a son but I lost a baby last year and I'm so worried about this scan. It doesn't help I've been poorly for a week and a half now with a chest infection and can't stop coughing


Dating scan

Im booked in to have my NHS dating scan at 11w 5d anyone else had this? Could they give you a proper date or did you have to go back at 12 weeks?


4d scans

Hello, just wondering when everyone recommends getting a 4d scan to get the best photo, currently 22 weeks ☺️


Fetal dopplers- anyone ever used?

I got as a beautiful gift from sneak peak a fetal doppler to listen to heartbeat.. did anyone ever used it? Is it safe?


9+4 Scan Video

I had a private scan today and turns out I am 9+4 which is where I thought I was. Heartbeat is 176. She did say there was a small uterine haemorrhage which looks to be healing but I would need progesterone if the bleeding starts. Has anyone else had this and been fine? I had a tiny bleed (pink) a few weeks ago and n...


Blood results/Badger app

Has anybody else had their bloods taken but not had them back/recorded on the app? I’m not sure if it’s common practice or just bad practice but I’ve been prescribed medication and nobody has contacted me to discuss my results and they’re not on the badger app. Two weeks since I had my bloods taken😩 contacted my…


Scan at 20 weeks

Yesterday I went for a scan at 20 weeks, the lady said she thinks it’s a girl because she has a swollen labia. So she found it difficult to assess the gender. What are the chances it be a boy? Can a swollen labia be mistaken for a boy?


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