Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.
I got as a beautiful gift from sneak peak a fetal doppler to listen to heartbeat.. did anyone ever used it? Is it safe?
I had a private scan today and turns out I am 9+4 which is where I thought I was. Heartbeat is 176. She did say there was a small uterine haemorrhage which looks to be healing but I would need progesterone if the bleeding starts. Has anyone else had this and been fine? I had a tiny bleed (pink) a few weeks ago and n...
Has anybody else had their bloods taken but not had them back/recorded on the app? I’m not sure if it’s common practice or just bad practice but I’ve been prescribed medication and nobody has contacted me to discuss my results and they’re not on the badger app. Two weeks since I had my bloods taken😩 contacted my…
Yesterday I went for a scan at 20 weeks, the lady said she thinks it’s a girl because she has a swollen labia. So she found it difficult to assess the gender. What are the chances it be a boy? Can a swollen labia be mistaken for a boy?
Baby measuring on 97th percentile from tape measurement but private scan is showing normal weight / size. Anyone else had this?
Just had my 20 week scan and it everything with baby checks out. I asked the gender and she said it’s most likely a boy because there was a clear protrusion between the legs which I saw but she was still like they can’t be 100% certain. Is it okay to go ahead and shop for a boy?
Hiya! I’ve got a growth scan today, and I’m just wondering if anyone has had photos from their growth scans? I literally only got one photo from my 20 week, as baby was in an awkward position, so it would be nice, but I don’t want to ask if it’s not something they’d normally do!
Did you wait until your 6 weeks scan?
Can anyone take a guess? I have an early gender scan booked, this was 12+6, would love to see what the majority think!
Hello, I received my NIPT results today and I’m absolutely devastated and don’t know how to process this information so I’m searching for answers. Wondering if anyone has experienced trisomy 10? There is a 5% chance of my baby having trisomy 10 through the NIPT. I am having another ultrasound in 2 weeks for a 13 wee...
Hello all, I am booked in for my 12 week scan on 30th of Jan… but we went for a private scan and they said I’m 10 weeks, at the time of the appointment I’ll be 11 weeks and one day. My questions are; will they be able to see what they need to see/check if I’m as early as the private scan says. If I am early, will ...
Hey ladies When was your first appointment with a midwife? I’m12 weeks and have received a letter about a scan but thats it! Is this normal for second time round? Thanks
Is this a boy or girl? Been told by the sonographer it’s 40% chance it’s a boy as she could see a tiny penis sticking out im 15.5 weeks pregnant? Different symptoms then when I had my girl last year 💙💖
Come on you can’t tell me this isn’t a boy 😭😭 to see that SO CLEARLY on a 12 week ultrasound was insane
Need advice ! So I’m currently 5 weeks 2 days pregnant (3 previous miscarriages) I had my bloods taken 2 days ago my HCG was 16704 had my bloods done again today and they’re now 27510, they have risen a fair bit but haven’t doubled when I asked if this was ok she didn’t give me an answer and just repeated that they ...
Hi so I’m 32 weeks and 1 day. I had my 32 growth update because baby boy has always been on the bigger side. We had the growth scan and i expected him to be maybe 4.5 lbs. Wellll he’s 5.4 lbs 🫣🫣🫣! And measuring two weeks ahead! For reference i am 5’2 and started at 110. So very small. Then they told me he was…
Girl or boy? 💗💙
Hi all, just wondering if anybody had regular growth scans throughout pregnancy and what their babies birth weight was vs their estimated centile/fetal weight during pregnancy. I’m currently pregnant with our first baby and she is measuring above the 90th centile, I’m 34 w 5 d and they estimate her at 6lb 2oz so int...
I wanted to share my experience so far… I really need to get this off my chest. I’m 9 weeks and 5 days today, and this is the furthest I’ve ever come after 4 early miscarriages. Here’s what I’ve experienced with the EPU and my midwife so far: Last week, I went for my 9-week scan. Instead of being seen by a sonograp...
Is it bad that I haven’t seen an ob yet? I’m currently 11 weeks pregnant and I’ve been going to a small clinic for ultrasounds that is free and they said everything was good with my pregnancy. I have an ob I can see I just never made an appointment due to my insurance getting cut off and we’re supposed to be moving ...