Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.
Is it bad that I haven’t seen an ob yet? I’m currently 11 weeks pregnant and I’ve been going to a small clinic for ultrasounds that is free and they said everything was good with my pregnancy. I have an ob I can see I just never made an appointment due to my insurance getting cut off and we’re supposed to be moving ...
Asking because of what was said at my 20 week scan today and it’s just made me think now. Do we not get any other scans now?🤔 The way the woman said it to me was almost like unless something is wrong, baby is too small for example, then there won’t be any others. Is this right?
Since 24 weeks i’ve been told baby is head down but im not so sure! I don’t ever have kicks in my ribs it’s always belly button down I feel kicks. Is requesting a scan to make sure baby is actually head down something they would do?
Hi all, Hoping for some advice/info please. I’m 9+2 and 42, so reasonably geriatric as first time mum’s go🙂! Can anyone advise when my NIPT testing is likely to happen and what the results look like/say, would anyone mind showing their results? The pic is from US results, I think. Are the UK results as clear…
Hi all - first time mummy here and at the RUH for my birth. I have a scan tomorrow (week33) and have yet to have seen a consultant about any kind of birthing plan and I’m getting really nervous I’m going to turn up and they won’t be seeing me again as I have the scan booked and my gestational diabetes checkup and I...
Please respond to this if you have gone through this process or going through this process like me.
I got an early scan done today saying I was measuring 6 weeks but said I had a haematoma in the womb, what could this mean? She wants to see my again next week, I’ve had no bleeding :(
Does anyone have extra amniotic fluid? I have for the past 3 weeks and yesterday at the scan they discovered baby has some fluid in his tummy. We have been referred to Kings to have another scan tomorrow to get a second opinion. Has anyone else experienced this? Im currently 29+3 days.
Has anyone else’s 12 week scan confirmed they are actually further than what you’ve calculated yourself? I’m 10 weeks but I’m sure I’m more … Xx
Is it normal to have scans around 7pm at RUH? I’ve never had any appointments later than 4 before with my first😅 also with it being that late do you think they’d allow my little one in with me in her pushchair? Childcare is impossible to get🥹
How much did your baby weigh ?
I’m pregnant for the 2nd time, 18weeks, but under consultant led care due to prior c section. I had my 10 week booking appt as normal and then my 12 week scan and then was told that my 16 /18 week appt would be with my consultant rather than midwife. No probs. But it’s a video call? How are they going to check my b...
A bit deflated after scan today as my follicles still aren't as big as they should be. Day 13 biggest one is 16mm and got 2 14mm which I'm praying catch up. There's a few 10/11/12s aswell. Got another scan tomorrow 🤞🏻 I love my fiancé to bits but he couldn't understand why I was upset and kept telling me to stay…
Has anyone got their US done yet? Can we see them with how far along you are?
Hi, can someone tell me if I can get a first trimester ultrasound WITHOUT an order or referral from any health care provider (doctor, midwife). I haven’t decided on one yet but need to get an ultrasound for accuracy on due date. I’m located near Fort/Worth area. Thank you!
I did NIPT and I got female but the fetal fraction was really low at only 3.2% , my boys was always 7% and above and also I did sneak peek at 9 weeks and it said boy , I did SNAP! The hands free device which sneak peak says little to no male contamination , I have a gender scan Friday
My 12 week scan and I have a feeling it’s a boy! What do you guys think?
I’m 35+ 5 and I went for my 36 week growth scan today. Baby has been head down for all other scans and midwife appointments. I have an appointment next week Tuesday which they will now see if baby is breech and offer me a ECV ( I don’t want). Has anyone had a similar experience, did baby flip back? Did you do the ...
Hello We had our 12 week testing after our scan, I know it says low risk the 1.88MOM is that normal? Google isn’t giving me anything back! Want to know whether that’s a good number, okay number, great number what even is it? Fertility baby so on edge about everything!
We had our 20 week scan today but because they couldn't see her head/brain properly they've asked us to come back in 2 weeks to check it. She was just in an awkward position (head v far down) and wouldn't budge. Everything else was fine but it's made me so anxious there's something wrong. Anyone else had a similar e...