Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Potty recommendations

I want to start potty training my son, I need tips, pointers that can help, I’m a ftm. Thanks



My lo hasn’t pooped since 7am on 19th of January. He keeps grunting and squirming when awake trying to poop but at the most he gets a fart. I’ve tried tummy rubs baths bicycle legs rotating lower half assist squats nothing is working. Any suggestions


Fathers Taking Daughters into women’s restrooms.

Would you say it’s okay for a father to take his potty training daughter into the women’s public restroom?


Potty training

My son is great with going pee on the potty, but only at home in his little potty. In public he’ll cry and say he needs to go potty but as soon as I take him to the bathroom he’ll start pulling away and say “ no, no no” Aside from that he won’t poop at home or in public. He’s gone poop a few times but now when he h...


Potty training

Very random so I apologise. But I'm daughter is 4 years old, she does go to the toilet but she only uses it to go a wee, she refuses to poop unless she is stood up and in a nappy, and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions of how I could encourage to try and poop on the toilet.


What could this be?

My mum said it’s more than likely from her sucking on her bottle and I trust her as she’s had two kids but even if it is so I just leave it or do I keep applying lip balm like I’ve been doing? Ignore her messy face she was eating beans🤣



Baby constantly crying on and off, naps for 10 minutes before waking up crying. Has been soaking through 4 bibs a day but I cannot see any teeth coming through, could it still be teething? Any advice please!


How have you gotten your toddlers comfortable with public bathrooms/using public bathrooms.

We are potty training and it’s going great and he can hold it for a while. But if we walk into public bathrooms he gets terrified. Doesn’t want to pee or barely lets me pee. He’s so scared. Nothing happened to make him scared he just doesn’t like it and now sure how to help


Top teeth?

LG got her bottom teeth at 7 months but she’s been quite fussy over the weekend do we think this is her top teeth coming it? How long does it normally take for top teeth to erupt? (Also excuse her face she was refusing to sit still for me to look at her gums😂)


Potty training tips

Hi, I’m looking at potty training my 2 kiddos! Has anybody got any tips? What did you do? How long did it take?


Teething 😩😩😩

2nd time Mum and forgot how much I hate it 😩 and this little one is worse than my first! Nothing I seem to do helps, I’ve tried teething gels, calpol/nurofen, cold dummies, teething toys, letting him gum on a muslin! He seems to be really struggling with it poor little soul 🥲



bright red gum, white bit poking through.. hes only 16weeks😫 doesnt stop crying at night & hands are constantly in his mouth


Teething at 3 months

I’m not sure if my baby has started teething early? I know the usual time is around 6 months but have heard a lot of mums say theirs started earlier. He has been drooling like crazy (at least two outfit changes a day), chewing on his hands constantly and grabbing our fingers to chew on when he gets the chance. Als...



So my baby is down with a cold , snotty nose but no fever..a bit less milk all the usual..he started to scream from his sleep and needs a little to settle him back..also very grumpy and cannot sleep..he used to have 2 naps ..all quite long and today we had 1 h ..yesterday the same..I don’t understand why is he screa...



How many days in a row have you given Tylenol to your teething baby? My son is 8 months and getting 3 top teeth. He is miserable. I'm on day 5 of Tylenol, and have been giving him some before bed only. It's when he's the most uncomfortable. As per the label on the Tylenol box, it indicates to consult with a docto...


Anyone else baby has signs of teething?

This is not my first rodeo. My oldest is almost 14 and I co raised a lots of other children but it seems to me infants are teething early than what they use to. My son almost 4 months and has a lot of signs of teething from drooling excessively to a low grade temperature. This is baffling to me cause what in the wor...


Potty training advice

About to be locked in for the next 3/4 days so any advice/tips for potty training all ears. We are doing pants only the winnie the pooh method but with pants as wendont wanna risk people being able to see thro the windows during the day.


No nappies

Is anyone else’s little one point blank refusing to wear a nappy? He will SCREAM until he is blue in the face wearing it as if it’s really hurting him as soon as it’s off he’s off walking away quite happy. Wtf do I do?😂 do I potty train him now? Is this normal with some kids? My oldest didn’t do this. Pls any…


Potty training 2 year old

How to get almost 2 year old back on track with potty training?? We seem to be going through a bad regression with potty training. We started in between Christmas and new year and did amazing with it then had a little set back but picked it back up again. She was doing so good we even managed to introduce knickers ...


Do I bring the potty seat with me?

Hey Mommas! My little dude has shown interest in the toilet this past week. Sitting on it every morning. He hasn’t peed or poo’d but it’s a start in the right direction, right? Anywho, I’m traveling this week out of state and I was weighing on whether or not I should bring the seat with us? Thoughts? 💭…


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