Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Is your 3 year old in nappies still?

I’m worried and feeling the pressure of others as my daughter isn’t potty trained yet. We tried before but she was getting upset so left it a while. I get her to sit on her potty now with every nappy change which she is happy to do but she soon wants her nappy back on after. Im feeling like trying again but not sure...


You're out in the middle of nowhere...

And your toddler has pooped. There is a gas station / travel centre with a men's and women's bathroom. The women's bathroom has no change stall, but the men's does. Your destination is at least another 20 minutes. Do you....


Teething symptoms

What teething symptoms are your Lo’s getting?



Is this the start of teeth coming through? If so, how long do you think it will be until they cut through? She's currently okay, I can tell she's in a bit of discomfort but it's not affecting her too much yet.


Potty Training

So my 3 year old daughter is pretty much potty trained day and night but when she goes to nursery she’s so busy playing she doesn’t stop for the toilet and this is where the accidents are happening . We have the odd one every now and again at home but nursery is getting silly. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions


Potty training

Have you started? What's helping you ? Give me tips . Starting my journey MONDAY.


Potty training

Boy moms, potty training tips? What helped ? What are you trying to?


Potty training

First time mum here and my little one is 18 months old now and I was wondering when do you start potty training. I understand all children develop at different stages but on average what age should the potty be introduced.


Toilet training

Hi everyone kind of embarrassing but my son just won’t go to the toilet and he starts school soon and I’ve literally tried everything to make him go use the toilet and he just wants he just has tantrums about it and it’s making me feel so stupid and ashamed any tips please



I think it’s potty time! My LO has been taking off her diaper, she goes to get the diaper and wipes when she’s poop and she been trying to wipe her self. I’m assuming when she’s peed in the diaper. I already have a potty in the bathroom that she’s always sits on but never naked. Her birthday is coming up and I’ve as...


Potty training, is he ready?

My sone is 18 months and he has shown more interest in the potty. If I say I have to go pee he goes upstairs to the bathroom if I say do you have to go peepee he will say peepee and go upstairs he will never go though. We have a toddler potty in the living room and he will sit on it and flush it he want to read his ...


Only 1 tooth?

Is it normal for one tooth to cut through first?


Potty training - aversion

My 2.4 yr old will not sit on a potty or toilet. We've got different kinds, ones she has chosen and tried different methods through play however as soon as we suggest her sitting on it, even with clothes still on she screams and runs away. It then takes her ages to calm down and trust us again. We've left her withou...



FTM here,little boy is 8 months old, no teeth yet and has had this redness now for about 4 days, it does flare up and go down. Is it his teething or somthing else? He has no temp etc. He is showing all the signs for teething, any advice or recommendation on what to put on it?


Potty Training Advice

Hey Everyone! We are ready to start potty training our son and he is showing signs of it being that time, but we have a few issues. Since our son is not verbal he cannot tells us when to go to bathroom. He shakes his head no to everything we ask, points, and waves to answer us the best he can. We have tried doing t...


Is my baby teething ?

My baby is only 2 months but constantly chewing on her hands and drooling and gets frustrated with them . Is this normal ? I feel like she’s too little to be teething right ?



Has your baby started teething yet? What are the signs to look out for?



My son knows how to pee pee and boo boo in the potty. He doesn't let me know when he has to go yet on his own. When should I start using undies?


Big toilet

Our son is fully potty trained, tells us when etc and barely any accidents so we have been very lucky, but our issue now is trying g to get him to use the big toilet, he is very stubborn! Anyone with a similar issue or had this issue?


Desperately in need for some help

We potty trained our daughter in May 2024. But could never crack the poo, she would always ask for a nappy. Which of course at the time we never discouraged because she wasn’t a regularly girl and was always so constipated and it hurt her less to stand than sit. But now the new year has hit and school is approaching...


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