Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Potty training overnight

I’m so confused lol I’ve started to research potty training and it says most kids aren’t able to be dry overnight until 5 or 6? What do I do overnight then? Use pull ups and diapers or just risk it?



I think my baby is teething at 8 weeks old?? What can I do for him? I didn’t think it happened this early but his little gums are red raw, excessive saliva, rosy cheeks and rubbing his ears and mouth 🤔


Third degree tear

Anyone else need to rush to the toilet when they need to poop? I can hold wee fairly well, but my bum says “no, we need to go NOW” Doing pelvic floors, but weird how I can hold one and not the other?


Potty training

So we’ve decided to potty train our 2.5 year old. The whole day there is no nappy. He doesn’t tell us when he needs to go, we see him touching himself as a cue that he needs to go or we take him every 20 mins anyway. We are on day 3 today, he’s only done a poo once on the toilet he is too scared. Any tips please and...



My LO is only 11weeks old and unsure wether they maybe teething I can’t see any tooth buds yet but his temperature is higher than normal, drooling, biting on his hand and is popping a lot more, is he teething and if he is how do I help him ?


Stubborn 2.8 yr old potty training fail

Hi, we’ve started the oh crap potty training method on Sunday and today is day 3 with no pants on but my toddler is extremely stubborn… he got over the upset of saying goodbye to his nappy pretty quick on Sunday morning (only using it for nap and bedtime now) and have explained to him where to wee and poo going forw...


Potty training / dry nappies

Happy Christmas Eve ladies! We started potty training loosely a few weeks ago and nappies have definitely got drier as my little girl has used the potty more during the day, but the last two days we’ve had barely any wees on the potty and dry nappies too all afternoon. I’m waiting for a callback from 111 as urine re...


24 weeks potty shot

Any guesses? 🙂


Are these dangerous?

Are these dangerous once LO has teeth? She's got four teeth, and I'm just constantly nervous of her piercing it and sucking out the liquid, so I've taken it off her..but am I being paranoid or does it happen lol?


Nappy: blowouts

My boy is using Pampers baby dry size 4 and he constantly has blowouts, especially in the morning. He wakes up whilst I'm still asleep and plays in his cot kicking his legs and moving around until I get up. Then I always find everything full of poop! I've just upped the size to size 4 so it's not too big for him. W...


Time for dentist

She brushes her teeth morning and night why is this happening?? 😩😩😩


2 year old

My little girl will be 3 in Jan, she isn't potty trained yet (please don't come at me), she sits on the toilet and potty, sometimes she'll do a wee and other times she won't but I always let her sit on it if she likes People keep making comments to me and my little girl about how she should be potty trained by now...


Sore fingers from having hands in mouth

Looking for some advice please! My little one contantly has her hands in her mouth and her first fingers on both hands are looking sore. She doesn’t seem bothered by them but I want to try sort it before they get too bad. Is there anything I can put on her fingers? Not sure what or if I can put anything on her hands...


Nappy or pants on Christmas?

My little girl has been potty training the past two weeks and has been doing great but I’m not sure if I should put a nappy on her for Christmas Day as I’m worried she’ll be too busy and have accidents because of everything going on but I don’t want it to be like starting it all over again on Boxing Day 🙈


Rash 🥲🥲🥲

My 8 month old has come out in this rash 😢 She’s teething really badly and is generally unhappy at the minute, not taking much milk, a slight cough… 😢 is this a teething rash or could it be something else?


Toddler not wearing pants

So I've been potty training my son for a month now, he goes onto his potty no problem what so ever he's only had a handful of accidents, but I can't establish pants with him so when we're in the house he's just in a top and nothing below which I really just want him to wear pants, everytime I try to put them on he's...


AITA for needing to pee?

So my bf had to go to the bathroom when he woke up but in the process woke me up and of course I needed to pee too. He had to do a little more in the bathroom but I went to the bathroom to let him know that I had to go so can he hurry up because sometimes he likes to just sit there and scroll on his phone and I didn...


Teething rash

Does anyone have any good remedies for teething dribble rash? My LO neck and chin are really sore. I'm trying to keep it as dry as I can and have used aveeno and Sudocreme but not helping much. Thanks 😀


Mums who have toilet trained:

Are training pants helpful? Or should I just go with regular underwear from the start? My grandmother bought my toddler some training pants for Christmas after I mentioned we were doing toilet training in the new year. They seem like a good idea in the first few days or would they confuse her?


Missing bottom lateral incisors - 17 months old

I’m getting concerned that my baby’s lateral incisors never came in, and his molars have. It’s almost like we skipped a step. I’m worried because I am missing teeth, and I know it’s genetic. Has anyone’s little one’s teeth come in out of order or late?


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