Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.
So my bf had to go to the bathroom when he woke up but in the process woke me up and of course I needed to pee too. He had to do a little more in the bathroom but I went to the bathroom to let him know that I had to go so can he hurry up because sometimes he likes to just sit there and scroll on his phone and I didn...
Does anyone have any good remedies for teething dribble rash? My LO neck and chin are really sore. I'm trying to keep it as dry as I can and have used aveeno and Sudocreme but not helping much. Thanks 😀
Are training pants helpful? Or should I just go with regular underwear from the start? My grandmother bought my toddler some training pants for Christmas after I mentioned we were doing toilet training in the new year. They seem like a good idea in the first few days or would they confuse her?
I’m getting concerned that my baby’s lateral incisors never came in, and his molars have. It’s almost like we skipped a step. I’m worried because I am missing teeth, and I know it’s genetic. Has anyone’s little one’s teeth come in out of order or late?
At what age did you decide to potty train your kiddos and was it successful at the first attempt? If not, how much gap did you give between trying again and having success?
How old and how many teeth did your baby/toddler have when you first started taking them to the dentist?
I gave teething powder just over an hour ago but no improvement with teething baby 😔 can I give Calpol? Xx
Has anyone else suffered with really bad toothache during pregnancy? I’ve been suffering for the last week or so now and it’s got worse the last couple days. I’m taking paracetamol and sometimes that’s not even helping. Struggling to eat too. It’s my molars on the top and bottom of the left side of my face. Shou...
My little one has been sent home from nursery this week a couple of times with a temperature, he’s not been quite himself this week but has still managed to play etc. The last couple of days, he has random attacks of inconsolable crying as if he is in pain, he won’t sit with me, doesn’t want to be put down & quite f...
Hi all, I'd like to ask if anyone has started to introduce the potty or toilet/started training yet? Just interested to know what people have bought and are finding beneficial for this. I'm not sure whether to buy a potty, or a toilet seat with ladder or both! Any mums already been through it? I'd love to know when...
My 2.5 year old had a good few weeks back in July where she used the toilet and told us when she needed to go. The nursery didn’t seem to encourage her as much, I’d send her in pull ups and she’d come home in normal nappies so sort of took a few steps back. I then found out I was pregnant again so this ended up at t...
Currently pretending I’m pooping so I can have 10 minutes to myself 🥲
My LG is nearly 18 months we’ve always done - dinner - bath - teeth - milk - sleep.. but I seen online that that isn’t good for they’re teeth…?! Any dentists out there to confirm? 😆🥹
Like the title said my son just turned three is reliably waking up dry from naps doesn’t fight me on changes and is showing interest in us going to the bathroom but is refusing to even sit on his potty chair. I feel like a total failure every time family asks how it’s going.
My little boys poo keeps leaking out round his thighs, would you say we need the size up? Or smaller?
For those who have potty trained I need some help. Little man started two weeks ago. Nursery have been amazing at letting him go no nappy just trousers. At home he’s nude waist down. First week a lot of wet trousers and was scared but by the end of the week he was peeing in the toilet with stand aid one . Rewards ar...
Has anyone successfully toilet trained their May 22 baby straight onto the toilet? I want to try again over the Christmas holidays and wondering if anyone has any tips they can share? I want to avoid a potty if possible x
How do I get my 20mo son to let me brush his teeth I’ve gotten him once and he will not let me at all after that he’s got maybe 6 or 8 teeth and he just will not let me
I was talking to my partner about my teeth and I asked if he thought they looked a certain way and he replied with “you have mucky teeth” how am I supposed to take that as I am quite a sensitive person
We potty trained our little girl fairly late, about 2 months or so ago. She immediately took to weeing on the toilet and hasn’t really had many accidents at all - but she does have a real issue with pooing on the toilet - and will hold it until her nighttime nappy goes on. Sometimes she looks so uncomfortable, but...