Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Nappy’s leaking!

My LO is almost 8 months and recently we’ve been having a really issue with nappy’s leaking during the day especially when she’s in the car! She literally does an explosive poo during every car journey and her nappy never seems to hold up 🤦🏻‍♀️ size wise she’s size 4 but probably ready for size 5 soon. We mostly…


Sex & Gym after FET?

How long did everyone wait after their FET to have sex or resume to the gym after?


Teething help!

My LG is 7 months in 2 weeks. She got her bottom two teeth just before 5 months, for the last 3-4 weeks her top gums have been super swollen and red and she’s been really bitey and drooly. The last week especially she’s been drooling, crying, irritable and everything seems to upset her and the swelling is worse. The...


Anyone know what this mark is??

This has just popped up like very quickly, my son also has a red cheek on the other side but I was thinking that could be teething. This though I'm not sure, seems slightly raised. He's fine in himself, hence the video as he won't sit still he just wants to race about 🤣


Won't pull down/up pants

My little boy is 2y5m and is doing really well with potty training as long as he's got a bare bum, hasn't had a accident when naked for over a month, but as soon as we put pants on him he's peeing in them and not grasping the concept of having to pull his pants down to use the potty. We've tried explaining and showi...


Baby won’t stop crying

So I’m going to take my Baby to the hospital because he’s been crying all night and then he’ll fall asleep again, but I don’t know if it’s his teething , his ear infection. That’s bothering him or his tummy because when I touched his tummy, he bats my hand away because he’s uncomfortable like I don’t know what’s goi...



Why did you not warn me that teething would be such a "I don't even know the word for this "? From the difficulty sleeping at night, the fever she had last night freaked me out, the clingliness gosh all for two little teeth. What have you guys been using? Hook me up please cuz I can't.


Potty training day 1

How did that go for everyone ? Decided to start today but so far nothing on the potty and 2 wets bums and 1 poo 🤦🏻‍♀️! Is this normal, should I stop as maybe she’s not ready ?


Bare bottom potty training

I'm attempting potty training starting today as I'm off work - day one I've pee proofed everything - within an hour he's peed on the floor and the sofa lol. What signs should I look for that he just isn't ready? I'm intending on persevering today to see how things go.



Hey everyone! I’m just after some advice really. My LG will be 6 months next week and she is actively teething, she’s cut one tooth and the other is on its way. Before this she used to drink 34oz in a 24 hour period but now it’s dropped to between 18-20oz. Thankfully (for my sanity) she is still sleeping through and...



Since Christmas sleep has been a right mare. Is anyone else’s little one showing signs of teething? Could it possibly be teething at this age?? He has all of his teeth apart from his final molars. Seems too early but he’s had all his teeth quite early. He is dribbly but also seems to have a bit of a cold. Last nig...


Teething pain 😭

Help! First time mama. Baby boy had his first tooth come in & he is teething like crazy. Has anyone tried these? I prefer giving him organic meds if necessary. Had to give him baby Tylenol a few times in the last couple of days, but I don't want to continue that if I can use these. Also any other remedies or produ...


Bowel Movements

Anyone with newly potty trained toddlers (approx 8-10weeks after first nappy came off) just completely withholding doing a poo? He gets himself hysterical and physically stops it from coming out. Today was honestly the worst day as we are now at day 8 of no poo and he is so uncomfortable and distressed. Any tips on ...


Potty training HELP

I am SO fed up with changing poopy pull-ups and I just LOST it today and stripped down my LO to go completely bare lower half. I set 15-20 min timers to put her on the potty and have been watching her like a HAWK and asking her every few mins if she needs to go pee. She’s been saying no and also has ran to the pott...


How to treat a cut on a 3 month old little hand?

My poor husband was trimming her nails and he nipped her thumb with the nail clippers. It’s sorta deep and he’s crying his eyes out about it, even though she’s laughing her head off again and back to smiling. If it was on our finger it definitely wouldn’t be bad enough for A&E but we’d put a plaster on. We don’t h...


Toddler terrified of hand driers in public toilets

She absolutely hates the noise of the air hand driers which are used in public toilets. It’s really getting in the way of potty training. As soon as it goes off she freaks out and won’t stop crying for a good few minutes, let alone then get her to actually sit and do a wee… How can we over come this hurdle?


Attachment to soft toy

My daughter has never been attached to anything. Recently when potty training she got attached to a muslin blanket. Once she was less nervous, she forgot about that. But she’s really taken to one of her bunny soft toys. Will randomly shout out “I need bunny! Where is bunny!” 😅 No issues but wondering if this is…


Teeth cleaning

Any tips on cleaning little one’s teeth? He used to let me do it but the past week I just can’t get in there for more than a couple of seconds.


Potty training for 3.5 year old

Hi mamas, I tried to get her to do potty training several times. Now I have feeling she is alot more understanding & her speech is coming along. What can I do get her to do potty training for once & all? Thanks


Potty training overnight

I’m so confused lol I’ve started to research potty training and it says most kids aren’t able to be dry overnight until 5 or 6? What do I do overnight then? Use pull ups and diapers or just risk it?


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