Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.
My daughter is 2.5, has peed and pooped on the toilet once. She shows signs of readiness, but when I tried to start training her yesterday morning, she had 5 accidents and eventually got scared to use the toilet. I kept saying “let mummy know if you need the toilet, ok?” And tried drilling that phrase in. I tried r...
Individual full-privacy stalls with sinks on the outside, menstrual product machines located by sinks and trash cans, and overall more accessible in the hallways. Available for all students and easier for staff to ensure student safety.
I know this is a silly question but what does it mean by using "pants" when potty training? Are they baby knickers? Or are they a type of nappy that isn't a pull up?
We’re on day 1 of potty training and we’ve had 2 prompted wees in the potty and 1 wee where we had to sit him on it mid-wee. I don’t expect him to get it straight away but when he did a poo, he didn’t want to sit on the potty and we had to hold the potty under him as he stood and pushed. He got a bit upset about i...
Anyone using this method? On day 1! How have you found it? I can't help but keep prompting!
I’d love to hear people’s weaning tips and tricks. Where to get started & what with? I want to try an avoid pouches for the start while I have some time on my hands ect. Or recommend website, pull outs or books please 🙏🏼
We've had a couple wee's on the potty after morning nappy change but we normally put a nappy back on after but this morning I thought we would keep him naked from the waist down and just encourage the potty regularly. He did his morning wee and then every 20 mins or so afterwards we would remind him that wee-wee and...
My hubby just said he flossed little ones teeth. I panicked, as usual, at which point he gave detail and said it was cos he had a bit of mango in his tooth and the tooth brush wasn't getting it out, so it was just the one tooth. Our dentist hasn't mentioned flossing for him but made me think, should we be?. Anyone...
Our little one is 2.1 years old. We’re expecting another baby in March. I’m wondering if to try potty training now or wait until after the baby is here? I’ve heard that sometimes kids can regress with toilet training with a new arrival but if I wait until baby’s here and we’re more settled, I feel like we may have...
Potty training tips/recommendations for 18 month old would be greatly appreciated! I can’t deal with the nappy changing battles anymore 😂
So my daughter has been potty trained for maybe a month. She's been pretty good about peeong in the potty pretty much the whole time. Just 1 or 2 days ago, she started having accidents, even when her little potty is right by her. In the bath, in her high chair, while playing, etc. She doesn't indicate any pain. I ta...
Has anyone started potty training their one y/o?
What is the best thing to call your little ones “private parts”. My little girl is only 2 so she is obviously just learning, but when I’m teaching her to wipe herself after bathroom, I’m struggling to know what to say. “Wipe your bum” is the most common phrase, but I feel like I shouldn’t be using that term for her ...
My son is 3mo and has recently started aggressively putting both of his hands in his mouth. He can barely hold onto toys but when he does he also starts putting them in his mouth. He was drooling quite a bit a week ago and now I am starting to think he might be starting teething. Is it too early and can this be caus...
Has anyone else’s baby got a dummy/drool rash due to teething , any suggestions on how to get rid of it
I am FTM. I dont know am i doing right or wrong. Today is our first day of training. I putt off the nappy all day and bring her to the toilet every 30-40 min. She sit there but didnot do wee on the toilet just do on the pjamas. I chnged 10 pjams today . No single succesfull attempt. Is it due to first day or is it...
My LO is almost 8 months and recently we’ve been having a really issue with nappy’s leaking during the day especially when she’s in the car! She literally does an explosive poo during every car journey and her nappy never seems to hold up 🤦🏻♀️ size wise she’s size 4 but probably ready for size 5 soon. We mostly…
How long did everyone wait after their FET to have sex or resume to the gym after?
My LG is 7 months in 2 weeks. She got her bottom two teeth just before 5 months, for the last 3-4 weeks her top gums have been super swollen and red and she’s been really bitey and drooly. The last week especially she’s been drooling, crying, irritable and everything seems to upset her and the swelling is worse. The...
This has just popped up like very quickly, my son also has a red cheek on the other side but I was thinking that could be teething. This though I'm not sure, seems slightly raised. He's fine in himself, hence the video as he won't sit still he just wants to race about 🤣