Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Potty training

Is anyone potty training or getting ready to? Would you like to see the token board I made to help my kiddo with it?


Oh Crap Potty Training

Has anyone followed this method? I’m thinking about starting tomorrow? I only have 7 days before returning to work/childminder so we can’t do a month commando under his trousers.


Sensitive / painful gums

When brushing teeth? Anyone else?


Bedtime potty training

My 3 year old is 70% potty trained. She has no nappies in the day. Hardly any accidents, now finally poos in her potty and no nappy during her nap. I want to start working on no nappy at night - how should I start? Method?


What temperature of water do you use to brush your teeth?

I’m having a debate with some friends.



Is this face my son keeps pulling because of teething?



My 7 month old has started teething and I know it’s normal to refuse bottles and food but he’s down to maybe 2-3 bottles a day and will only drink 3-4oz some days he’ll even only have 1 bottle. And he will sometimes refuse food. This has only been happening for maybe 5 days. I’ve tried Calpol and ibuprofen and bonje...


Potty training

What are you guys doing to potty train? Or if you've done it already what did you find most successful???



When did everyone start taking their child to the dentist?


Potty training

For those of us who are potty training what r some tips!! My little one decided she was ready and practically dragged me in the bathroom one day and pointed to the toilet 😭😭😭 She’s went on the big toilet but I switched her to the potty so she can kinda practice more. I’ve been doing the “naked method” it’s been…


Potty training

Can I please have some advice and experiences with potty training. I have no idea what an ideal age is, but I definitely know that school age (4) is far too late for me personally, so would need it done by then. I don’t know where to start and what to do and feel very out of my depths.


Potty training

We are starting to potty train. We are on day 3. So far she will go if I ask her if she has to go but only has initiated telling us on her own 2-3 times. She pooped once on the potty but 2 other times had an accident. We are day 3 and have had 4 accidents. Is this good or bad? I can’t tell if we are making progress ...


Potty training

Hi all, just wondering how you are all getting on with potty/toilet training. My daughter will wear knickers, she’ll happily sit on a toilet or a potty but absolutely will not release it. Then as soon as a nappy goes on, she goes. Just wondering if any one had a similar situation and how you managed to resolve it. T...


Toilet training help needed!!!

My daughter is 2.5, has peed and pooped on the toilet once. She shows signs of readiness, but when I tried to start training her yesterday morning, she had 5 accidents and eventually got scared to use the toilet. I kept saying “let mummy know if you need the toilet, ok?” And tried drilling that phrase in. I tried r...


School bathroom redesign, do you like them? Why or why not?

Individual full-privacy stalls with sinks on the outside, menstrual product machines located by sinks and trash cans, and overall more accessible in the hallways. Available for all students and easier for staff to ensure student safety.


Pants for potty training

I know this is a silly question but what does it mean by using "pants" when potty training? Are they baby knickers? Or are they a type of nappy that isn't a pull up?


Doesn’t want to poop in the potty

We’re on day 1 of potty training and we’ve had 2 prompted wees in the potty and 1 wee where we had to sit him on it mid-wee. I don’t expect him to get it straight away but when he did a poo, he didn’t want to sit on the potty and we had to hold the potty under him as he stood and pushed. He got a bit upset about i...


Potty training - oh c@&*!

Anyone using this method? On day 1! How have you found it? I can't help but keep prompting!



I’d love to hear people’s weaning tips and tricks. Where to get started & what with? I want to try an avoid pouches for the start while I have some time on my hands ect. Or recommend website, pull outs or books please 🙏🏼


Potty training upset...

We've had a couple wee's on the potty after morning nappy change but we normally put a nappy back on after but this morning I thought we would keep him naked from the waist down and just encourage the potty regularly. He did his morning wee and then every 20 mins or so afterwards we would remind him that wee-wee and...


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