Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.
My little girl already has 10 teeth but she’s teething again I think it’s her molars now coming though now she’s 1 😔 before with teething she just got a bit upset and a sore bum but she’s now getting a high temp and being very clingy. Anyone else noticed the bigger teeth cause more symptoms?
My nearly 4yr old has really matured and Asks a lot of questions. He still follows me to the Toliet and bathroom he is a very Curious boy. Wondering when I should start setting boundaries regarding nakedness..?
Has anyone done this successfully?! If so, any advice to a toddler who holds it all in like a champ and just waits til “sleepy underwear” (aka overnight pull up) comes on and then pees? Whether nap or at night? Day 1 she did great! But day 2 she held it in before nap then again before going to bed. We’re on day...
I’m on Day 3 and he refuses to use it or even signal to me when he needs to go so I’m constantly on watch trying to get him onto the potty and timing him but he will not go on the potty, I don’t want to switch from underwear to pull ups but I know he will not be able to use the potty at school yet
So I've just sent a complaint to nursery following a phone call at 9.40am saying that my son isn't potty trained, isn't ready to use the potty & can they put a pull up on because he's not ready to use the potty/toilet at nursery. For context we have had problems with poos. We've been on movicol 2 months. We are givi...
I have no idea, advice please, what worked for you?
When I was potty training my first id walk around with a potty under the pram and whenever they needed a wee I’d let them use the potty regardless of where we were. (Outside only, if inside we would find a toilet) then I’d tip it down a drain, wipe the potty out with a cleaning wipe and carry on with my day. But I d...
My mum has offered to potty train my daughter, she's a nanny and also works in a school, she is excellent with all ages of kids and potty training is kinda a scary thought to me! I trust her completely to do it, but people are saying that its rude to accept her offer or that I'll regret letting her as its a mileston...
Who’s started potty training? Any tips?
What age and how do you introduce?
Genuinely curious as I have tried but no luck. My LO became so distressed when asked him to even sit on the potty so we gave upas I don’t want to traumatise him and I have other friends (same age kids) who haven’t even started and don’t intend to until their LO is closer to 3yo
I need help potty training my 20 month old. I've tried everything and she still hates it. I've been putting panties on her so she feels the wetness and she still pees on herself.
Hey ladies ! So my daughter just turned one in Nov. and her last front tooth is just now trying to come out so she been having a fever and all the other norms. Her fever recently just stopped. But now I noticed she just been fussy and clingy she doesn’t want to be put down and most importantly she hasn’t had an appe...
Our school prefers pull-ups if there are some accidents at home but not sure when to cut them out completely if he’s not fully potty trained at school
I think my almost six month old is teething. He’s had a stuffy nose the past two days he hasn’t been eating as much and his poops have changed. He is extremely fussy and barely gets any sleep at night. I’m just wondering if anybody has any advice or if they think it’s something else what it might be.
Has anybody started potty training yet? It’s honestly so draining and my poor carpet is taking a blow (literally) 😂 how’s potty training going for you guys?
do these teeth look like they have cut through already?
Is anyone potty training or getting ready to? Would you like to see the token board I made to help my kiddo with it?
Has anyone followed this method? I’m thinking about starting tomorrow? I only have 7 days before returning to work/childminder so we can’t do a month commando under his trousers.
When brushing teeth? Anyone else?