Community Posts, Tips & Support on Toddler & Child

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Toddler & Child.

7 year olds

Whats a good application for reading?


Should he have stayed?

Did your partner stay with you in the hospital after you had your baby? My husband went home the night after our baby was born and I can’t seem to get over it even though it’s 2 years later. I had a pretty traumatic birth and think was in shock for the first week or so after so didn’t make a big deal at the time b...


Nothing can ever be special..

My husband took away so much meaning to something that I bought for my daughters to give on Easter Day. I recently found these XL plastic Easter eggs that I planned on decorating & filling up for my daughters & I had put so much thought into the idea of it that it already seemed so special. This is my first year ma...


Did your partner stay in the hospital with you?

Just as the title suggests, did your partner stay with you in the hospital after you had your baby? My husband went home the night after our baby was born and I can’t seem to get over it. I had a pretty traumatic birth and think was in shock for the first week or so after so didn’t make a big deal at the time but f...


I hate who I’ve become! Anyone else get really nasty

When her dad dropped off my 2 year daughter, I said ‘say bye to your lying dad’ I feel so guilty! I lost my composure and I used my daughter to try and hurt him. I want some advice on how I can cope better and not say things in anger. I promised myself that I wouldn’t be that person and I can’t take it back but I wa...



Does anyone know good snacks for an almost 10 month old ?? He doesn’t really like the baby snacks at the store😓


Am I being unreasonable?

So we were invited out last minute today by my partners family as it’s his dad’s birthday this week and they asked if we’d like to join them for a birthday meal. My little boy usually goes to bed at 6pm but the last few days it’s been a bit earlier and he’s been getting sleepy at 5-5:30pm. We agreed to go assuming i...


Mothers day

We have SD every weekend, for the past 3 years, I have messaged BM and said with it being mothers Day, would you like SD on the Sunday, etc. And she has never been interested, and we've had SD until 4/5pm on the day. Which tbh just makes me sad for SD. This year will be my first mothers day as a mum, and honestly, ...



How many bananas do your toddlers eat a day?! And how many is too many?? My 14 month old will eat at least three bananas a day (amongst other food) and I’m just hoping some others are the same!


Family Coming Over

Bro. Whenever my husbands family comes over (dad and sister) my husband always feels the need to buy everyone the most expensive steaks. He’s an extremely crunchy parent, so he wants the top tier, grass fed meet that is way more expensive. It’s his birthday today & because we’re both tired (I literally stayed up alm...


Under or overfeeding

Hey mamas, I cant work out if I over or underfeeding my LO. She had total of 500ml formula, 100ml water daily. Today she had 100ml of cerelac with 1/2 apple and 1/2 pear, 2 medium strawberries, 1/5 of avacado, about 50ml of plain yoghurt, 100ml of roti mixed with carrot curry. Am I underfeeding my baby? I had a c...


12 month old not eating well

Hi guys, anyone else’s baby not eating well? My boy hasn’t been eating great over the last month. He is still breast fed and eats great at breakfast (fruits, yogurts, toast), however when it comes to eating at lunch and dinner he is literally refusing. I try a variety of food such as chicken, pasta, rice, potato’s h...


I’m currently working on my baby registry list and I keep being told baby walkers, bouncers and swings are considered unsafe for babies. My partner and I work from home. What do you use to allow you to work from home from newborn to 12m ?



Am I the a**hole?

Am I the asshole for not wanting intimacy with my partner? We have intimacy 2-3 times a week but now that my baby is taking less naps during the day and my only time to relax and have my “me time” is at night when the baby is sleeping. But here comes my partner ready to get it on and I just don’t have the energy or ...


Should I add sprinkles to the white section of wall in my 3 year olds bedroom?

Pic in comments


Sores in mouth on tongue

Little one has these on tongue which Just noticed so not surprising he's not eating. No other symptoms.. any clue what they could be?


When honeybun flavor do you think of when someone says regular?

I texted my husband can you grab me a jelly or iced honeybun I don’t want a regular one so if they don’t have either then just stick with the KitKat”



How do you discipline your little ones? I know that a lot of their behaviour is them not knowing it's wrong or not being able to regulate themselves when they are angry etc. but there are times when my little boy just fully goes against what I've asked or does something he knows is wrong. What do you do in these si...


Have to get rid of my rabbits 😔

So for context we own a fair amount of land, I’ve wanted rabbits since I was little, I’m now 28 and pregnant with our second baby. I’m more live in the moment and enjoy the beauty of life and he is more logical - I’ve put on held all of my dreams for nearly 5 years, I’ve settled into a great career and finally find ...


UC Struggling

Hey, is anyone really struggling with finding a job that works with nursery times? My child is 3 now so universal credit are doing everything they can to make me go back to work. I was initially working 35 hours a week until we were made homeless and relocated, this was only last year. We’ve been moved to an area th...


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