Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Toddler & Child.
When parents call their kids “bubba” constantly. That and “hubby” is so cringey to me. I literally grimace every time I see or hear it
Hi mums, I sadly lost my gran unexpectedly a week ago we shared an incredible bond she was more like my mum then a gran. Unfortunately I hadn’t seen her for a year as I moved to a different state to her and all my family a few years ago. I’m unable to travel back home as I am 37 weeks pregnant so will miss her fun...
Is anyone’s 13m able to feed themselves yoghurt with a spoon (or something like chia pudding)? My LO is a fussy eater so idk if he can’t or just doesn’t want to! Although I’ve seen him attempt to use a fork (unsuccessfully 😂)
Is everyone entitled to free hours from age 3, even if 1 parent is a stay at home parent?
I’m running out of ideas for my daughter! She breaks out in an irritated reaction if I serve her eggs, cheese, butter or milk by themselves. However she loves her baby yogurt and can have milk & eggs baked into things (like pancakes & bread). Anyone else’s child like this? What are your meal ideas? She loves chicken...
I’m about to start my 6 month old on their solid food journey, any advice on what I should start with and whether pured pouches from the shop are good to use?
Hello, I’m trying to get my head around weaning as I will be going back to work at the same time so want it to be as simple as possible 😅 From my research my understanding is that baby eats what we eat & we all sit and eat together. Does it matter what meal it is or what they eat? Does anyone have any tips on how…
Last couple of days my 10 month old has become so clingy. He’s always followed me around for months but recently it’s got worse, I can’t even walk to other side of room without him crying. If I leave the room for a min he will screech until he’s choking he’s crying that much. If I do pick him up, then need to set hi...
I live by a school and driving home today I saw people lined up down the road an hour before school let out. This school is notorious for all the kids being gone within 10min of let out so why in gods name would you sit there for over an hour to get your kids!? Am I crazy for thinking that’s crazy?
Hi girls, Please no judgement as this is so sensitive to me! My 3.5 year old daughter’s behaviour has just completely changed (I mean she is like a completely different child) since the arrival of my son 4 months ago. She is extremely angry a LOT of the time at home and she NEVER acted like this. There doesn’t seem...
Hi all, anyone any ideas for lunches that I can pack to take when out for the day that can be ate cold? Don’t always have access to a microwave and coffee shops don’t always cater for little ones.
Hi Ladies, can you all recommend some meal ideas your toddlers love? I’m struggling over here lol
So My kids currently go to this daycare in a rural area (the hood) and sometimes I get concerned about the area & I'm concerned about my kids safety and as well as inside of the daycare...I worry a lot about them being there... I have dealt with that daycare for almost 2 years, but it's been a hassle getting them th...
So I need a rant I’m so upset, I think I’ve had kids with the wrong person. Tonight my little one wouldn’t go to dad, only me. He’s then gone in a mood and said it’s really upset him and our little one doesn’t want him anymore, and doesn’t love him and he feels rejected. Our little one is 15 months old. I’ve trie...
Our little guy is only 1.9 years old and not quite ready for potty training.. He has outgrown diapers, for the most part (barely holding on to a size 6 lol) and pull-ups don't hold everything in at night, so he wakes up saturated, and sometimes the poop can't be contained. We bought a pack of diapers for night ti...
My husband has been working 7 days a week from 5am till 7 pm for the past 2 1/2 months. I have been so over stimulated and mentally exhausted. Today I snapped and screamed at all my kids and cried for good 30 mins. And I feel horrible. I feel like a total piece of shit. How do yall de stress when you litterly neve...
Hi everyone My daughter is 7 months old and is doing so well with food. Im doing a mixture of blw and puree. She is having 3 meals a day and is trying loads of different foods. Im trying to give her what we have so she loves a roast dinner, steak pie, soup etc (all made with no salt etc). Im worried 😟 m…
Very stressed. My partner was fired today, just a week before Christmas. I’ve been staying at home since the baby but I’ll probably be the one going to work now. We have two kids and I’m stressing trying to figure out how we’re gonna make everything work.
I don’t want to see my partners family or have them round the baby at the moment. This is a long one but i really would appreciate some advice/ would love to know if anyone else feels this way☹️ Since being post partum my partners family have been tricky with seeing our baby. They complained about our rules, active...
So, me and my partner have been together coming up to 3 years he has 2 children who are 8 and 5. We have had a baby in June this year so she is 5 and half months old. I didn't get the first time mum experience I wanted, for example he didn't come to any classes with me I went on my own, he didn't entertain any bab...