Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

Toddler tantrums over food

My (not so) little one has tantrums over food all day, every day. He goes into a full blown melt down if we say no to him having food (obviously only when we know he isn’t actually hungry or if the food isn’t appropriate for him such as being too spicy). He could eat a full sized dinner and dessert (like a banana)...


I need help 😂

I’m a first time mum, Baby girl is 6 months next week. How do I start foods ?! She is having a bottle every 4 hours, so what do I do? Do I do meals or just let her taste things? And when do I start taking away bottles? Hopefully someone can help as I have no idea what I’m doing 😭


Feeding veggies

Any mamas have any tips on how to get LO to eat their veg? Ends up on the floor and I’m scared I’m not getting a variety in


Moroccan minced beef fingers with salad

Sliced tomatoes Lettuce Minced beef, with mixed herbs, cinnamon, nutmeg, dill, coriander, garlic 😋 My 9 month old is loving it!


Meal deal sandwich

Can you eat Tesco mayo and chicken meal deal sandwich when pregnant?😅



Is anyone doing a puree and finger food approach? My little one is happy to feed herself with a spoon (in a way) but has no interest in finger food


Stocking filler ideas for an 11 month old

Anyone got any ideas for stocking fillers I’ll do the usual chocolate and fruit I’ll put some of her melty snacks in anyone think of anything else?


Processed Foods

At what age do you think is acceptable to give more processed foods? I don't intend to give my 1 year old unhealthy food. I'm talking for example ready made hummus and ready made falafel. Ham for sandwiches. Sausage to put in his pasta. Baked beans. Or crackers and breadsticks for snacks ect.... He just turned 1. ...


BLW and cereal

For those of you doing BLW, what do you do with cereal like Weetabix? Do you let them feed themselves, spoon-feeding them, preloading spoons?


Weaning - Possibly early.

Hi all! Looking for advice regarding weaning - Tried doing research but it's all so conflicting. My HV has said our little boy (4 months currently) will be weaned early due to being high percentile... and has been obsessed with watching us eat from 3 months... which he is now getting frustrated like "Where's mine?!"...


Off food

Anybody else’s toddler suddenly hates eating? My LG wasn’t a bad water, a bit picky but not bad and suddenly even her favourite dinners, lunches even breakfasts are a no. She would snack only if she could or have chocolate stuff🥲(when she was over at my parents they given her some chocolate which I’m guessing made…


Spoon feeding

Is anyone’s 13m able to feed themselves yoghurt with a spoon (or something like chia pudding)? My LO is a fussy eater so idk if he can’t or just doesn’t want to! Although I’ve seen him attempt to use a fork (unsuccessfully 😂)


No egg/dairy breakfast & dinner ideas?

I’m running out of ideas for my daughter! She breaks out in an irritated reaction if I serve her eggs, cheese, butter or milk by themselves. However she loves her baby yogurt and can have milk & eggs baked into things (like pancakes & bread). Anyone else’s child like this? What are your meal ideas? She loves chicken...


Starting solids?

I’m about to start my 6 month old on their solid food journey, any advice on what I should start with and whether pured pouches from the shop are good to use?


How do I start…

Hello, I’m trying to get my head around weaning as I will be going back to work at the same time so want it to be as simple as possible 😅 From my research my understanding is that baby eats what we eat & we all sit and eat together. Does it matter what meal it is or what they eat? Does anyone have any tips on how…


Christmas Day dessert?

Does anyone know of any special desserts you can buy for our little ones? My boy just usually has fruit but I’d like to give him a more special dessert on Christmas Day. He’s dairy free. Thanks!! X


Lunch ideas when out

Hi all, anyone any ideas for lunches that I can pack to take when out for the day that can be ate cold? Don’t always have access to a microwave and coffee shops don’t always cater for little ones.


Meal Ideas

Hi Ladies, can you all recommend some meal ideas your toddlers love? I’m struggling over here lol



Hi everyone My daughter is 7 months old and is doing so well with food. Im doing a mixture of blw and puree. She is having 3 meals a day and is trying loads of different foods. Im trying to give her what we have so she loves a roast dinner, steak pie, soup etc (all made with no salt etc). Im worried 😟 m…



I took my LO to her 1 year appointment & her iron was slightly low, not by much. But I kind of expected it since she won’t eat eggs, oatmeal,spinach basically all the iron foods. Any moms have any recipes where I can hide any of these foods in without the baby noticing. Thank you.


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