Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
After she’s done eating or if it’s stiff she doesn’t like. Doesn’t matter if I say no, ignore it, remove the plate, explain it etc. any tips? It’s becoming really annoying. Been doing it for a few months, I thought it was just a new phase but it’s getting to me now. It’s not just the food, it’s also her water bottle...
Is anyone introducing foods for their 4 month old yet ? 🥺🥺
My little boy is a nightmare for eating. His diet consists of crackers (dry) skips yoghurt and fruit and croissants. maybe 1 day of the week he may have a few spoonfuls of tomato pasta if I’m lucky, I have tried absolutely everthing I sit with him I don’t push him I’ve tried being silly and funny with food so he wan...
I have a 3, almost 4 year old girl who is a very picky eater. Sometimes she will eat, sometimes she doesn’t. I have introduced her to different foods, and that’s also a hit or miss. I’m getting frustrated because I’m running out of options, and all she wants is milk. Anyone knows of any medication to give her to gai...
My lo turned 6 months last weekend so we began weaning. I thought she was ready because she’s very interested in our food but it’s day 4, we’re doing BLW and have tried avocado, banana, sweet potato and apple. She shudders at every food and seems revolted by it all 😂 On social media all I see is 6 month olds loving…
Unfortunately my son has to be completely dairy free. We're using soy milk on the daily now. Does anyone have any food recommendations that are dairy free? My son is getting tired of eating the same thing and is starting to refuse it
Girls I’m so scared to give my baby finger foods! (3rd baby, but my last was 7 years ago)🙈 I really want to give him little bits to hold and explore but I have a huge choking fear. Does anyone have any advice or food ideas (Dairy free) that we can try? Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
How many meals is everyone giving their baby? I’m still giving 1 meal a day as I thought it was 6-8 months 1 meal, 8-10 months 2 meals, 10+ months 3 meals but I saw a post saying they give 3 meals a day at 7/8 months. My baby on some days struggles with 1 meal and she doesn’t have a crazy amount of milk so I’m unsu...
I have a 1 year old. Looking for easy make-ahead breakfasts that I can warm in the mornings. She wakes up HUNGRY and it's hard for me to whip up something most days aside from a single egg which I think she's sick of. I've been looking into bite size muffins or pancakes. What have you made ahead that works?
I don’t know about you mamas but my toddler gets bored with regular toys in 5 minutes lately so I’ve been making toddler safe sensory bins to alternate during the week. Kinetic sand one day. Dirty ducks another day. Rainbow rice another day. Hiding toys in a bunch of beans. (The beans alone entertained her for 30 mi...
I have cut out dairy and soy and my baby is flaring up again, not acting as fussy. What do I cut out next?? I’m thinking wheat Pic of his skin in comments
Really curious as to why people cut the crusts off their baby’s bread all the time. I get they could be thicker and harder to chew initially but I always see all the blw posts cutting them off. I’ve always served toast to my baby with the crust on and she loves it all the same Is there anyone else who actually serv...
Is everyone giving their LO breakfast, lunch and dinner now? We tried it and I don’t know if it was a coincidence but he was really uncomfortable at night and I thought it was because his little tummy was too full. He currently has 4x 7oz bottles and 2 meals.
Our little girl is a fabulous eater but only with actual meals, she eats everything we eat. Snack wise it’s always fruit and yoghurt because she isn’t fussed on pastries or muffins etc. breakfast is either weetabix or scrambled eggs. She’s also not a fan of bread so sandwiches don’t work but I’m not too bothered abo...
What’s everyone giving their babies today? Or what did you give them yesterday, if you’re not sure 😂 I’m struggling at the moment to think of new things for him to try. For breakfast he had homemade raspberry, blueberry and banana porridge, for dinner he had salmon, toast and avocado and a apple fruit pouch (he…
My 13 month old is not a big fan of most vegetables and will really only eat them if they have cheese on them I’ve tried lots of different ways of serving them the only ones I can get him to eat are broccoli sweet potatoes carrots green beans corn and regular potatoes I’m worried that he’s not getting everything he ...
My little girl is almost 11 months and now won’t eat any healthy food at all 🙈 I swear it’s bcos I’ve given her snacks that are sweet (like the kiddilicious strawberry wafers, Heinz biscotti etc) and now she’s had a taste of that she’s not interested in any other healthy food! Would you suggest ban those snacks…
Can you write what they’d eat in a day. Yesterday my little one had Weetabix Milk Strawberries & biscuit Eggs, avocado, toast & cheese Milk Melty sticks Spaghetti Bol & yoghurt Milk
He used to eat the purées but now he just spits them at me . Solids he throws, gags without even trying it or licks it and then spits. Idk what to do at this point I’ve tried eating with him or giving him what I’m eating and he still won’t touch it.
He is a healthy baby boy, happy & adventurous. SUPER wiggly. Always wanting to move, I can’t just snuggle him cause he will wiggle his way out. Lol! He does take his bottles but it’s like pulling teeth & he has no interest in finishing them. He is 8 months old (almost) & refuses all solid food except for a paci feed...