Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.
So my LO has been diagnosed with reflux and is on omeprazole and has been for some time however we are still having issues with feeding she’s very fussy like she wants it but it’s to uncomfortable for her to drink, I’ve changed her milk from cow and gate to cow and gate comfort colic and constipation as she suffers ...
When I did my urine sample at my booking appointment (roughly 9 weeks) it came back I had Group B strep. She retested my urine (as she wasn’t sure I had an infection) at my 16 week appointment and it came back negative, so I don’t have it now. She said it’s still routine to have the antibiotics during labour but we ...
Omg how horrific, I had to take my girl for her jabs today without my husband and it broke my heart hearing her scream! No one told me there was 4😭💔 Since being home (roughly 6 hours) she has been yelping in pain every now and again is this normal? I’m so worried, did anyone’s little one become ill after and how…
How do I get my 2 month old to poop more, naturally?
My lg has suffered with constipation on and off since December, she was prescribed laxatives but hasn’t been helping this current episode. We went to see the GP today and I am so upset with how she spoke to us. She was ‘nice’ but what she said and how she said it completely blindsided me and now I’m so angry and u...
My LO is usually irritable anyway, as I guess it's her temperament. But she's suddenly gotten a lot worse. She had her 3rd lot of jabs Friday after being postponed 4 weeks and she's just a nightmare to deal with right now. Non stop crying and whining and she's just never ever happy. It's making each and every day mi...
I had one of those suction seats that my babe would sit in and now he locks his legs so I can’t slide him in. And he wants to be loose. Bath time with out the seat is so hard he’s all over the place and I have one hand in him the whole time. What is bath time like for you?
My 3.5 week old baby is really struggling with trapped wind. He is actually pooping at least twice a day but it’s the inbetween that seems to be the problem. Every time he’s awake he’s grunting, straining and in clear discomfort. We do everything we can including massages, leg movements, general movements, keeping h...
My baby will be 4 months on Friday. She has been the happiest baby since birth- except for the last few weeks. She’s suddenly not pooping, gassy and goes through bouts of screaming/arching her back like she’s in pain. Her farts smell horrible too. She just went 9 days without pooping and then had a normal size...
Hi, this weekend she’s had a tummy bug and viral cold infection. She was sick a few times but we think mainly due to her cough as she was being sick when coughing hard. She has had diarrhoea though Saturday we had about 5 lots then only 2 Sunday and 1 yesterday and today. Been giving her an extra bottle of milk mid-...
Does anyone else’s babies hand smell like smelly feet? We wash them daily and leave them out of the baby grows but it keeps recurring. Is this normal?!
My 1 month old got a semi diagnosis of reflux and got told to change formula back to sma pro from the sma comfort milk but had three days of green poo now and it’s starting to worry me I see the gp in two weeks as that’s the only appointment I could get 😨😨
How were your babies after their 16 week injections? I’m unsure what to do as my LB is just screaming and crying every time he’s awake. He had the vaccines last night at 5pm and we were at out of hours GP last night as he wouldn’t stop crying and screaming. All obs were normal but this morning he’s the same, doing m...
My newborn is 4 weeks old and over the past couple of days she seems to be straining every time she poops and becomes really agitated, but she’s not constipated.
Your kiddo ever pee clear few times within the hour? That just freaked me out. Never seen him pee clear! He did chug half a cup of apple juice a little while ago. Should I worry?
How did you know your little one had reflux? What did you do and did it help? I think mine is suffering with reflux. He just vomited multiple times after feed and has been vomiting after most feeds for the past week or so.
My 6 month old baby started on solids yesterday. We gave him around a spoon of rice porridge on both days. He seems very uncomfortable the whole day, and didn’t nap well. He keeps giving noises as if he’s straining to poop constipated, but his poop seems watery as usual. Worried if he is having gas issues or stomach...
My son is 15 months old and has been pooping in the bath tub since he was 8 months old. We wait 1 hour after eats before putting him in the tub which he poops within the that time. Any tips or tricks to get him to stop.
My little boy is 10 weeks this week and has been on Aptamil since birth. We did combi feeding briefly, which has recently stopped. He is struggling at the moment with reflux and has been prescribed omeprazole - it's not working and seems to be getting worse (I'm going to request he tries gaviscon). I'm now wondering...
Anyone dealing with their baby being colicky and very hard to pass gas? Also if you are breastfeeding have you gotten any drs advice on what to eat or not to eat in order to ease baby’s symptoms through breastmilk? Did you try formula instead?