Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.

Bright green poo

My little girl is 11 weeks old and EBF. she had a bright green poo earlier and it’s never that colour. Was just wondering if this is anything to worry about. I never breastfed my first so Im unsure what this means :) Any help appreciated


Line eyes?

Can’t tell if line eyes or what , but tested today solely because I’ve been sooo exhausted, they were this faint when I first tested with my second baby too so making sure I’m not the only one who sees something. 😅 (taken two minutes after testing)



Anyone use a probiotic that helped newborn’s reflux? I’m desperate!! We are already on Pepcide and use gas drops!


Immunisations and illness

Anyone else's baby fall ill after their jabs? I don't mean the fever they can sometimes get after. My daughter never actually got a fever. But she's been congested since then and green poos and coughs and struggling to sleep/no sleep. I've seen the gp and they don't think it's anything else. She said it might just b...



Hey my LO had her first set of jabs yesterday and today she has basically slept all day only slightly waking for feeds and nappy changes. Any one else's LO been like this after their jabs? X


Chicken pox and pregnancy

I’m 18 weeks pregnant tomorrow and tonight we think my little boy has started getting chicken pox, I’ve had it as a child. Has this happened to anyone else before and baby’s been ok? Is there anything I need to do or be aware of? Thanks!


Post-Bath Blues

Any one else’s babe hate getting out of the bath? He LOVES bath time, but as soon as we get him out, he is extremely fussy and crying so much! Each day it feels like he cries worse than the day before… :( Is this normal?? What can we do?



My little girl who is two weeks old today hasn’t been for a number 2 💩 since Saturday. I will get on to the doctors in the morning but wondering if anyone has had similar and any recommendations of what might help her to go overnight? She had been going everyday multiple times a day prior to this. No changes to…


Risk Assessment/Adjustments

What kind of things are on your risk assessment at work/what adjustments have been made for you at school?


Molars coming out causing diarrhea?

Not really sure what to do anymore. At first I felt like I was feeding him too much fruit or not enough fiber. My 14m old has had loose stools for like a month now. The only other thing I can think of is his teething. Just seems excessive. Did anyone experience this as well?? And how long did it last?


First set of Jabs…

was anyone elses baby really upset for the rest of the day after their first set of jabs? My baby girl is crying on and off in her sleep but is a cry like shes in pain!


Bath time

How often are we bathing our babies? My boy is now 7 weeks, and currently has two baths a week. However, he LOVES them and they seem to chill him out for the evening, so I’m wondering when I can increase them?


C section week ago

Hello ladies, I had a c section a week ago, just wondering is anyone else having big bowel movements like every day? I feel like I’m sh*tting more frequently every day atleast 2x if not more. Is or has anyone else experienced this? Sorry if it’s tmi


Fussy baby

Has anyone ever taken their fussy baby to an osteopath and have any success stories?



So I’m considering starting to give my almost 2 year old Mary Ruth’s probiotics. Sometimes she seems to struggle with pooping or will go every other day. Did probiotics help your toddler when taking them?


Advice needed

So, my little boy (he’s one) has been constipated since last Monday, I’ve tried everything on the nhs website such as giving him high fibre foods and trying him with 100% apple or pear juice, we’ve tried warm baths and massaging his tummy, we’ve tried bicycle legs and massaging his bum whilst he’s straining for a po...



Is your baby having/had 1 year vaccinations?



My little one is 6 weeks old and since a few days he has suddenly started to throw up after every feeding. He was exclusively breast fed and we only introduced formula a little over a week. Though he is on combi feed, he is still taking breast milk primarily. Sometimes he vomits immediately and other times he will...



Girls weird one … but since my baby turned 5 months his poo is gone really thick texture not like before more watery . He’s on the same milk only difference is I’ve been giving him teetha powder for teething? Anyone else experiencing the same any opinions?


2 year check

When did everyone get contacted for their little ones 2 year check with a health visitor? Little one just turned 2 and I’ve heard nothing?


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