Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.


How often do you bath your LO mines 2 months and I do every other day but I’m thinking about every night as part of the bed time routine but is this too much?


Any advice ?

My baby has just suddenly gone off water and I’m trying to avoid juices as much as possible. When he doesn’t drink water he has really hard stools and struggles! Any ideas ?


8mo constipation

My girl hadnt pooped in almost 2 weeks which is extremely irregular for her. She is a breastfed baby but does take solids. She kept straining and trying hard and making herself cry and seemed so uncomfortable and in pain. We tried prunes, she had maybe one a day for 3 days and then we laid off them. By day 4 she ha...


Opinions please...

So we started introducing cows milk in Thursday in her cereal, it's such a small amount as I pour it in, wet the cereal and pour the excess out. On Saturday we had a loose poop, just colour in her nappy but she had chips and chicken nuggets from the kabab Shop and some of Daddy's noodles in the day so I put it down ...



When after a C-section can you have a bath???


Changing formula

Has anyone changed formula back, from a hypoallergenic one to first infant i.e aptamil? And how was babies poo? My little girls is yellow and smells normal but has had mucus in it, is this normal?


Car seat 💩 explosion

Every time. Why?!?! Clothes are getting destroyed. Anyone else?


Messy play

9month Ideas for messy play at home for a skint mum 🙈😂


Loose bowel movements😖

I’ve had loose bowel movements for around 4-5 days now! Has anyone else experienced this?



my husband has been handling bath times but im not sure he is bathing enough. baby is 6 months so i was just wondering how often people are bathing their babies? i work evenings so i am not there for his usual bath time.


Baby not Pooping

My little 6 week old is really struggling to poop, she has been doing it every three days and when she does it’s soft so she isn’t constipated, however inbetween she is forcing and straining and getting really distressed, we are on day four now with no poop! We have done belly rubs, bicycle legs, hitching her knees ...



My baby has bronchiolitis. He’s having all his milk but won’t tolerate or even try to have his solid foods. Has anyone experienced this



Okay, so my toddler loves softplay and I love taking her but it seems everytime we go she becomes poorly? Surely not everytime she should get poorly? Anyone else experiencing the same?


Weaning and pooing

Hi ladies, first time mum here. My little girl is 6 months and we have been weaning for about 4 weeks now. She’s really struggling to poo, not just constipation but when she is going it’s quite hard and she’s struggling to pass it you can see the pain in her face, she goes bright red and gets really upset. Is this n...


Bath seat

Can anybody recommend a baby bath seat for a baby on the smaller/petite side? I tend to take baby in the bath with me however would like the option to just put her in herself with her bath toys. I’m worried some bath seats I see will be too big and she will slip out(probably just being too paranoid!)😣 8 months old…


Injections and calpol

My little boy has his injections today. What way round am I best giving him calpol, before or after?



I am getting sick of throwing away vests and baby grows 😂 Is it me or does every poo squirt out of the nappy, especially at the back?? We have tried various brands and sizes but no matter what it always escapes! Any suggestions!? 💩



I’m not anti-vax, however i’m curious if you have followed the suggested schedule or opted out on any and why?


Did anyone split their 12m jabs?

As in have 2 and then 2 at another appointment, instead of all 4 in one go? We are really againt having the usual 4 all in one appointment & I am calling our doctor today to request it but just curious if anyone else did this?


Blood in stool

Hey y’all, my little one has been pooping and having a little of blood and mucus in his stool, I took him to the doctor and they said he had something wrong with his instestines, but then when I took it again they said “it resolved” but it is still happening.. anyone else been through this?


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