Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.
My nearly 12 week old has pooped once in the last 5 days and is super gassy, she’s in a lot of pain when she’s trumping. I’ve tried all sorts to help her get things moving, bicycle legs, baby massage and moving her hips from side to side etc. but nothing seems to be working. Obviously getting her in at the drs is no...
I was today years old when I just found about how cheese is made with genetically modified “vegetarian rennet” which makes it hard to digest and harmful to your gut because of the toxins left over…here is a video to explain better in the comments Brands such as Tilamook and Organic Valley are non-gmo
My little boy has been off his food and constipated for a few days. His poop is almost like little hard pebbles, he’s so uncomfortable. Any remedies?!
my little girl has quite bad reflux when she feeds! Have tried what it says online ie. Sitting her upright to feed, burping regularly, little and often but it doesn’t seem to be helping at all and it’s always ALOT of sick to the point of I don’t know how much she’s even keeping down! It’s quite distressing to watch ...
My baby has ezcema, CMPA and allergies to banana, peas, peach and pumpkin but every time he eats his chest sounds congested and wheezes and it lasts about 1-2 hours after he’s had food. I’ve put a video in for reference. Thank you x
My baby has started doing really smelly burps. He spat up earlier and it smelt like bile and curdled milk. His burps smell the same. Anyone else had this? Is it normal?
Does anyone else's baby love bath time and has the best time of their little lives but then hates the getting ready for bed afterwards? Little lady acts like it's the end of the world when we dress her for a bed, but has the best time in the bath, absolutely loves the bath though has the best time splashing and roll...
I exclusively nurse and lately it’s a hassle to get my daughter to nursery she’s not hungry but she’s still having wet diapers and pooping is this normal
Hello I have the health visitor coming around tomorrow morning. What do they do in the visit? I remember them coming round for my first but can’t remember what they talked about or how long they were here, just that they did baby checks. I didn’t see them before giving birth, this time, they just sent a letter.
Hi when did people have a bath? I’m three weeks today since c section and had a vacuum dressing on for a week. My scar is really small and nothing coming out of it, just absolutely desperate to get in the bath but don’t want to cause any damage
Does anyone know what causes green poop in babies? I'm getting worried. Our girl is 9 weeks old and exclusively breastfed. But in the last week keeps having green poop. She did have her vaccines last Tuesday so don't know if it's related to that? (Picture in comments)
Hi all! Just wondering, when will our little ones next see the health visitor (if they do). Our last visit was a bit daunting and the women werent particularly helpful or friendly with any questions we had. Do they get another soon? Starting to mentally prepare myself
Are these good for toys? Looking for something for the millions of toys my kids have. Thinking of getting two of them. Since we are getting rid of a play kitchen and figgy couch the kids don't use.
How often do you guys get your LB hair cut? My boy had his first cut couple days before Christmas and i dont know how often to do it TIA
I was just wondering if we are supposed to have 3 years reviews or if it is just the jabs?? My sister mentioned it yesterday but her girls are much older so not sure if things have changed since hers ones were 3 but other than a letter for jabs which he is booked in for on Saturday, I've not taken him for a review? ...
Hi! I am just wondering if anyone could tell me about if their baby had/has colic? What is your babies behaviour like? Is there anything you give then or do to help? My baby is 8 weeks old and he cries ALOT, it’s mainly throughout the day all day but he doesn’t really cry in the night between feeds.. sometimes h...
Anyone else dealing with a gassy baby? Like nothing seems to help soothe them constantly crying.. Doctor says to just give them gas drops?
My son turned 4 this month and he has been struggling with his hearing. We were referred to an audiologist who did the tests and confirmed that he had moderate hearing loss, but the underlying structure looked good and it appeared that he had fluid in his ear. We have been asked to come back in 3 months and if it’s ...
Does anyone else's EBF baby do a lot of greeny poos? Sometimes yellowy green/sometimes quite dark green? I googled it and think it might be either due to fast let down or lactose overload. Think either could apply here.. just wondered if anyone else has same problem? Atm they all seem to be more this colour (2-3x a ...
I don’t understand things. Us parents are meant to protect our kids but when cps fails not once but 3 times this around they say they don’t see a bruise eye and swollen lip u can very much see the discoloration of the right bottom eye and we’re his eye lid is at the bottom it’s swollen abut not only that but u can s...