Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.
Hi! My 11week old has had green and slimy poops past few days and I’m just asking has anyone else experienced this and is it normal? I did read that exclusively breastfed babies can have green poop and slimy, but just would like to hear some experiences
Hi currently doing a EHC for my daughter one has been put forward by her child care provider to hopefully get the EHCP and little worried to find out that they look at attendance as my daughter only been there for 4 months and had soooo much time off !! Due to not sleeping and being to tired to go in and having l...
Can anyone recommend any good places to take a 6 month old? Planned to go to the one on wells road but it's fully booked for the day I had in mind. Thanks!
What do people eat or drink when breastfeeding cos everything I eat or drink I think it makes my little boy have trouble passing the gas out we have stuff to help him from the doctors but It don’t really seams to work he dose poo but he tries to push like his trying to poo but nothing his been doing it a lot heel be...
We’ve got ours booked next week but going on holiday a few days later and worries he’s still going to feel poorly or have the shits as he did for two weeks after the first lot🙈
Just recently my newborn is only eating from one breast and alot of the time less than 10 mins.. I try to stimulate her offer the other side but she just won’t take it. She has plenty of wet diapers a day I just don’t know why the change all of a sudden?
So we had another visit to hospital with my son in agony with his stomach. Doctors said it’s likely down to his constipation. I have all the right medication for him and so on but he’s more constipated than not and it’s not just a phase. Also since he’s been about 1 he’s never ever done a poo unless he’s at home and...
Dear mums xx if you have already had 3 years old vaccinations with your little ones - how were they afterwards? I appreciate it's individual but still :) also - did you give them Calpol before the vaccinations or only after if they had a fever?
Hello! Does anyone have experience in a young baby with chicken pox? I’m worried because she’s only 8 months old. Is there anything I can do to help her ? Other than calpol? Anything I can buy or try? Thank you
Hello, Should I have been sent some paperwork to fill in before our appointment? Others I know received a questionnaire to fill in and bring with them but I haven’t received anything as of yet and my appointment is in 3 weeks. TIA x
I’m so nervous about him getting them because I heard that they can be very unsettled after & that it really hurts them 😭😭 can anyone tell me how their little one got on & what I should expect?
We’ve had to delay our daughter’s jabs until end of this week. Did you give Calpol after, and then how long for? Is a temperature common, and did your child have sore legs? I read a rash is common after 10days? Any advice welcome thanks
What are your thoughts? She is acting normal and not bothered but she just did this poo and it looks strange to me
Now on day 4 of no poop. He’s farted tons but no luck getting a poo out no matter how much he tries. He’s 8 weeks today I’ve tried infacol which stopped him screaming but not helped the pooing. Should I just give him a drop of laxative?
It’s the dreaded jabs today. I’m not ready to hear that cry or for the unsettledness. I’m really worried! Any tips or advice to make this go easier. Please, from one petrified mama
My baby has been constipated on and off since we started weaning 2 months ago. I’ve given her pears, prunes, apple juice etc but nothing really seems to work. Anyone else in the same position, i don’t know whether i need to take her to the dr or not, or if this is normal?
my 7 month old started choking after his nap this morning ning and when i lifted him up he threw up yellow. So he started choking on his threw up. He then again threw up yellow with water again. I went to the doctor and she didn’t seem to give me any answers. All she said was i’m not worried about it unless there’s ...
Hi my baby is 4 months old to morrow wen will I hear from any one aging iv not seen or heard anything from my hv or doctors since she was a few weeks old she had all here jabs but that really all they contacted me about just thought they’d be around more am just asking to make sure my baby is not missing out on any ...
Hi- after switching to whole milk my LO has been constipated. Still having a BM every day but it’s very hard and pellet like and sometimes he is straining a lot and seems uncomfy from how hard it is to get out. Pediatrician said it was normal for a couple weeks? How long should I wait it out before switching to pla...
I know personal choice but is it necessary to give calpol after 12 month jabs - how many times?