Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.

Constipation in pregnancy

I tried everything and nothing helps this sucks my belly is also bloated bad because of it too and gassy which I can't get out either any suggestions????


Jungle adventure?

Hi all! I’m just wondering what peoples experiences with jungle adventure are? We’ve just had our third visit to jungle adventure with my 12 month old. First was absolutely brilliant, we went mid week for my babies 1st birthday so was very quiet. We had no issues with older kids being in the baby area as it was term...


Toddler constipation

Has anyone’s child struggled with constipation. My son started having constipation issues right after he turned 1 and he still struggled with it. He sees a GI specialist now, takes daily laxatives, cut out dairy, etc. just wondering if anyone has gone through this? It feels like our life revolves around it and it’s ...


2 week old vomiting after most feeds

So my 2 week old is currently breast fed and the past few days she's been frequently throwing up her feeds, not just spit up but a decent amount. The same happens with bottle feeds too, and formula. I'm thinking reflux is anyone else having a similar experience?



Anyone else dealing with constipation? I'm still breastfeeding, but I did give her an overload of dairy on Wednesday night. She is 2 and a half next month, but ever since that night she has pooped twice, but she acts like she needs to poop, but nothing comes out. You can tell she's in pain. I have given her no dairy...


Digestive problems?

Hi, we’re first time parents and we are really struggling with our 3 week old. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced similar symptoms and if they seem normal for a breastfed baby… • ⁠He seems in a lot of discomfort - kicking legs out, arching back, bringing knees to chest, throwing arms out, going rigid and...



My almost 2 month old is constipated. Took him to the pediatrician Wed and he got a suppository and pooped. However he hasn't pooped since thursday now and it's uncomfortable. Any suggestions???



Idk what to do anymore I tried everything you can think of to help my little girl with this bloating it's extrem after her feeds 🫤 she's on famotidine for silent reflux just recently switched back to similac sensitive after being on elecare bc she had no change shes sleeping horribly last night was up from 12pm…


Flash card recommendations

We got some flashcards in this toy subscription we have and my daughter absolutely loves them. At first just looking at the photos but now she can say or sign some of the words and is really into it. There's only a few in the pack so I was thinking of buying some more with some more useful every day words. Has anyon...


Baby’s first bath

When did you give baby their first bath?


Glasses for my 20 month old

Took my daughter to the optician as I've noticed sometimes she's turning her left eye inwards. Need to return for another test with eye drops for a fuller assessment but it's looking likely that she'll need glasses. I've been distraught about it. Feel like it's something I've done. I know i need to get over myself...


Do I message or ring

So last week at nursery, I let them know my LO won’t be in this coming week due to us visiting my family. However I had to delay the visit as everyone got sick and we will be going during the week. He usually has nursery on Mondays so should I message them via the app to let them know he’s coming or should I call as...


Play pen

What’s a good play pen? Looking for a very large one


Constipated on cows milk

Anyone else’s LO constipated after being on cows milk?


EBF Constipation?

Hi, my little boy is exclusively breastfed. He poos about every 7/8 days now and has been for the past month, however, he gets very uncomfortable and we hear him straining a lot and he hip thrusts and squirms and cries. We've started giving him 5ml of water (on the advice of the pharmacist) to help towards the 7th d...


Trump can't easily rehire people he accidentally fired

"US goverment seeks to rehire recently fired nuclear workers - BBC News"



Nothing was said on my discharge papers about avoiding baths so not sure if I can. I didn’t tear this delivery. I was told no baths after my first bc I did tear then. Just wasn’t sure since I’m going on 4 weeks postpartum and still having some bleeding.


Baby making grunting noises while eating

Help! Is this noise normal? Does your baby do this while eating? Sometimes she snorts a lot too awake but doesn’t seem to b congested.


Baby not pooped

Baby had not pooped since Monday!! He is 3 months old and mainly bf with 1 formula bottle per day. He hasn't been in 5 days. Any advice please? He doesn't seem particularly uncomfortable or unhappy in anyway. I've tried tummy rubs and bicycle legs. Thanks


2 month appointment

Is anybody had their two month appointment yet with baby for shots? if so, did baby do well did they cry a lot after? my first took all his shots like a champ, hoping my little girl does too, but not completely sure since she’s on the smaller side.


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