Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Care

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Hi all, my 6 months old, who usually has one bowl movement a day, has not had one in three days, is this normal? We recently started solids


Cbeebies Land

Looking to take my little boy to cbeebies land for his 2nd birthday but heard mixed reviews - had anybody been with little ones and is it worth it?


UK - Chicken pox vaccine

Will you be getting the chicken pox


Pork in Jabs

I’ve just read on here that there is pork gelatine in the 1 year vaccine. My little girl is Muslim, could I get an alternative and has she already had a jab that contains this?! Is it in any of the first ones? 🙈


Advice on washing 8 month old hair

My little boy is 8 months old and hates his hair being washed in the bath as when he’s sitting up it goes all over his face, he screams and then bath times is ruined and over, does anyone else have the same issue? How do you get around it as he loves bath times until I do his hair



My 3 week old babygirl has been crying on and off not like the usual newborn type thing but like if we hold her she cries if we put her down she keeps crying we try feeding her she doesn’t want it she sleeping less and just seems bothered I’ve tried everything to make sure she’s comfortable like making sure she’s no...



Anyone else's 2 month old very colicky? Every night from around 8pm - midnight my boy will cry excessively even when fed, changed and all needs are met. He eventually settles and will sleep for 5 hours straight before next change and feed. Currently using Infacol and Dentinox colic drops


anyone dealt with conjunctivitis (I think)

Baby had gammy eyes all weekend. Been to boots pharmacy but they won’t prescribe anything for under 2s so waiting for the GP to open at 8. We have done a lot of boiled water and cotton bud cleaning in the meantime. Anybody dealt with this yet? Will I be given drops or other? How fast does it clear up? And how long ...


does anyone know natural pain reliever

alternatives to infant Tylenol? . . lmk in comments plz


7 week fuss?

just hit seven weeks and my baby went from being super easy and just starting to smile to fussy and struggling with naps. After she eats she used to be happy and almost sleepy now she’s super fussy and starts crying and stiff it takes about 10 minutes to calm her down I just don’t understand how she went from being ...


Feeding and reflux cycle

My LO is 4 weeks old and I breastfeed her. When she is awake she constantly wants to feed. After almost every feed she spits up (sometimes a little and sometimes ALOT). She will have reflux then try to feed straight away after. She will even try to feed and then reflux again before getting back on the boob. Surely s...



How are people getting there babies to poo ! My little boy seems so uncomfortable and it’s so distressing seeing him like this 🙁🙁


Jab vs Vaccination vs shot

Does anyone else have an unconscious (or conscious) bias against the word jab to describe a vaccination? I feel like I immediately think the person is less educated if they say "flu jab" or "2month jabs" rather than a "flu shot" or "flu vaccine". Pretty sure it all stems from all of the hullabaloo around the covid v...


Visiting times at QA

So I have my elective c section booked for the 10th of March. I was just wondering what the visiting times are at QA and how many at one time? I can’t for the life of me remember what times as it was 3 years ago and only my partner came up to the ward before going home that day.



Hi, my little boy has his first vaccinations of Thursday and I can’t remember the rules on whether you can give them Colpol after I know you can’t usually give them it till 3 months but I’m sure we were advised to give our first some after can anyone help please ?


1 year Health visitor review

Do we contact the health visitor for the 1 year review? Little one is nearly 14 months and haven't heard from them? I have no issues to raise so not worrying just wondered if I'm missing something 🤔



Hello! Hope all is well. Is anyone else having hot baths? I’m not sure how I feel about it. I’ve spoken to multiple doctors/midwives and they all say that hot baths are absolutely fine. But I see that some people say not to. Is anyone else actually having baths that are hot?🥰


Hairbrush shopping!

Really random question but where are all the baby hairbrushes sold? My toddler doesn’t have much hair still so we normally use the soft baby brushes. Need a new one (lost her current) but cannot find any for sale locally anywhere! Any ideas? Xxx



Anyone else’s baby sleepy for a few days after jabs?


Newborn yells when passing gas or doing a poop, is this normal at 5 weeks?

Hello, FTM here! I’ve actually been surprised by all the noises a newborn makes but the noise that disturbs me the most is throughout the day my LO grunts loudly, whether awake or asleep whenever he’s trying to pass gas, burp or poop. I think if he was able to produce tears yet he would but it sounds equivalent to s...


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