Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
which do people recommend, microwave steriliser or milton?
Has anyone else started weaning off formula now that they are coming up to a year? I have started mixing some whole milk in with formula to get him used to it
They’ve recently changed their packaging but does anyone know if they’ve changed the formula at all? Since changing over to the new tubs I’ve noticed my LO has become more constipated and wondered if it’s related?
My little one is 11 weeks old today but I feel like he’s not having as much milk as he should be.. some feeds he will have 100-120ml, but other times he doesn’t take as much and will only have 40-90mls.. he has been gaining weight fine, although he’s not been weighed since the start of December so I just worry
So… my little girl has been off her formula milk just over 4 months now and over the past while has just completely stopped drinking milk at bed time or at all really…. She used to still drink some cows milk before bed but over time just completely dropped it, I’ve tried giving her it though out the day but she does...
How long does it take everyone’s little one to drink a bottle,My little boy is 8 month old & when using size 3 teets he can demolish a 7oz bottle in 5 minutes but is sick a little bit but if I put him back down to size 2 he takes nearly a hour Any advice is greatly appreciated as FTM and don’t know what to do for t...
Silly question but I’m just wondering when you know when or if you need to change baby’s teat on the bottle… He’s 11 weeks and using mam bottles on size 1 teat, I wasn’t sure if he should be on size 2 or not
I am having such a hard time with my 4 month old at the moment. He has just been diagnosed with a cows milk allergy so I have switched to lactose free formula from normal aptamil which has made his tummy a lot better but every time I put a bottle in his mouth before any milk even comes out he starts to scream, arch ...
Does anyone have any experience of not getting a let down in a feed? I’ll randomly feel it throughout the day but not when he’s feeding. It’s meaning he isn’t getting enough milk even though I’ve worked hard to build my supply and the milk is there 😪
How many mls does your 6 month old drink per bottle?
My lg is 8 months (7 adjusted) on Sunday. She has 4x 7oz bottles a day and 3 meals. She always drank all her bottles until around 4 weeks ago and now never finishes a bottle. I have cut down on her meal portions, taken away a meal and it has made no difference to her milk intake. Some days we are only reaching 16oz....
We started yesterday with carrot, do you use the same one a few days in a row to reduce waste or do you do a different one every day?
Hi, We are struggling to get the formula right for our little one. We had issues on the normal cow and gate where she would be really uncomfortable and straightening her back and crying after. We were advised to try infant gaviscon-didn’t make a difference. Then advised to try reflux milk. Worked to begin with but...
How old is your little one? How much do they drink at one time and also how many oz in 24 hours? My LO is 18 weeks, 5oz every 2.5 hours and in 24 hours has 30oz.
Hi Everyone, after abit of advice. My 5 month old was put on nutramigen LGG 1 by the hospital last week (currently on day 5). He initially refused the bottle due to the taste but now is fine. However, he seems to be constantly hungry!!!! We tried going up to 210ml feeds as it states on the back for his age range but...
Do we need to sterilise things such as baby spoons since they are coming in contact with baby’s mouth as googles saying no but surely it’s the same as teething toys etc and need to be sterile?
This is a bit of a specific question as im trying to calculate my baby’s intake in order to feed him breastmilk until 1 year minimum. I managed to get my supply up to an average 40opd on top of what my son nurses. That means I have no idea how much he drinks per day. If your 2 month old (9weeks) is on the 75th cen...
I could really use some advice, I just had my baby girl 2 days ago and I have an 18 month old son as well and I just had my first night of trying to balance them both on my own bc my dad and bf were at work. At some point all of us were in tears. Any advice or anything is much appreciated on how to navigate this and...
Hey everyone l was looking for some advice. We'll be going on a family holiday in 3 weeks and our 19 month old son has a bottle of milk in the morning and before bed. Is the cows milk in Morocco safe to give him? Or should I put him on the growing up formula for the duration we're there?
My 1 month old is having 4 ounces every 3 hours but i can’t seem to fill him, he always seems to want more and takes ages to settle, has this happened to anyone else? X