Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

How often? How much?

How often and how much does your 11 week old feed? We do 3-4hrs feeds at around 140ml- can’t manage to move up from that.


How many bottles ( bottle fed) and what times in the day are your little ones feeding

How often are your little ones eating/what times and how many a day? Trying to find the right amount for my nearly 18 week old🩵


nuby rapid cool

can someone please talk me through the hot shot method, like step by step both in the house and out and about?? am in the process of switching to formula feeding so its all new to me.. i bought 2 second hand ones online but without the black flask, and i don't have a steriliser that they'll fit into, and am really w...


Sterilising bottles

Hi everyone When should I sterilise the babies bottles for the hospital? It seems to say online if they haven’t been used for 24 hours they need to be sterilised again but obviously I don’t know when I’ll be going in and I’d like to do it for the bag incase I need them?


Hot flask

Can anyone recommend a flask that actually keeps the water boiling hot enough to make formula when out of the house?


Bottle warmer?

Hiya everyone. I’m going on a small trip soon and I was wondering if anyone knows of a bottle warmer product? I usually use boiling water and put the bottle in there, but does anyone use any products instead?


aptamil pepti 1

my LO got prescribed aptamil pepti 1 yesterday as we went to the doctors for his symptoms and he was scoring quite high for suspected CMPA. i got told to do a straight switch and he’s on a weeks trail with it, he won’t take to it unless i do more scoops of old milk so i do 3 scoops of old, 2 scoops of new, did anybo...


ONLY stories about how going from 1-2 was easier than 0-1 please :)

About to have my second baby. Toddler is 2.5 years old. I found newborn stage very difficult, and let’s be honest, toddlers ain’t easy either. LOVE my boy more than anything in the whole world but, my body and mind crave some self care too. He’s very excited for his little brother and I hope we can foster a great r...


Bottle prep

Currently I am EBF my baby but trying transition to formula how do you do bottles on go when out all day as says need made from hot water within two hours


How many colors does your baby know?

We’re working on colors and it’s such a strange concept to teach lol.


Weaning baby off Milk bottle

Did your baby pass 1 year ans still drink from the bottle?


Unsure if cmpa

So my little boys been on hypoallergenic formula since 3 weeks old hes now 13 weeks but i recently discovered he has a tongue tie and tension in his jaw so now im wondering if he ever even had cmpa hes never done a milk trial and the only symptom thats been solved is his bowels he still has really bad reflux and a r...


How do I wean my 2 and a half week old off breast milk to formula.

I have been breastfeeding (combination feeding) my baby for just over 2 and a half week’s and I have decided that breastfeeding isn’t for me, I’m finding it a lot more difficult than I first thought. I have already started to introduced formula to her but I would like to go onto feeding her formula full time. Any in...


Feeding less

My LO hasn’t been finishing any of his bottles in the last two days. He’s totally fine in himself. We have just challenged his milk allergy and found he does have it so we need to continue with the dairy free but I’m just worried about he his lack of eating. He’ll down 3/4oz and then just not be bothered about anymo...


What do you think was harder? The adjustment from 0-1 kids or 1-2 kids

(Aimed at those with 2 or more children and the second child is 5 months or older)



which do people recommend, microwave steriliser or milton?


Weaning off formula

Has anyone else started weaning off formula now that they are coming up to a year? I have started mixing some whole milk in with formula to get him used to it



They’ve recently changed their packaging but does anyone know if they’ve changed the formula at all? Since changing over to the new tubs I’ve noticed my LO has become more constipated and wondered if it’s related?


How much milk is your baby on?

My little one is 11 weeks old today but I feel like he’s not having as much milk as he should be.. some feeds he will have 100-120ml, but other times he doesn’t take as much and will only have 40-90mls.. he has been gaining weight fine, although he’s not been weighed since the start of December so I just worry


22 month old not drinking milk

So… my little girl has been off her formula milk just over 4 months now and over the past while has just completely stopped drinking milk at bed time or at all really…. She used to still drink some cows milk before bed but over time just completely dropped it, I’ve tried giving her it though out the day but she does...


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