Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Formula feeds all over the place?!

So my boy started out being combi fed at birth but ended up being a formula baby pretty soon after. He’s been consistent with his formula feeds from birth and he moved up to 7oz at 6 weeks and would consistently have 6-7oz every 4 hours. He’s now nearly 10 weeks and all of a sudden his feeds are all over the place. ...


Bedtime bottle

At what age did you stop giving you LO a bottle of milk before bed?



Please any advice because as a first time mum I find all the info so conflicting … baby girl is 3 weeks, formula fed & I feel like the last 2 days she is constantly wanting more. She was having 120ml every 3 hours no problem, but now is waking hungry every 2 and still sucking her fingers wanting more. I tried to do ...


Reduced feeds due to illness

My ten month old recently had bronchiolitis and was admitted to hospital for a couple of nights for support with breathing. Since we’ve come home he won’t take much of a bottle at all, little amount/ 1-2oz sometimes 3 but used to do 9oz 3 times a day. Hospital said leave one more night and assess and go back in tomo...


Gripe water

How does everyone administer gripe water? My 8 week old doesn’t take through a syringe, he just spits everything out🫣 my mam said to put the recommended dose into his milk bottle but wanna see if anyone else has done it this way and been fine with it? Tia xo


Changing Formula at 6 months??

My little boy is 5 months old, and is formula fed. I know that at 6 months old you can get follow on formula at stage 2 but I remember my health visitor telling me not to go up to the next stage. I can’t remember the reasoning behind what she said though! Why would she suggest not going up to the next stage? Als...


Transition to a full day at nursery

Hey, my little girl is 14 months she has been doing 3 half days at nursery since she was 9 months. However due to some change in working hours I had thought about dropping one of her half days and her doing a full day instead. Just wondering if anyone’s little ones have moved from half to full day or do full days a...



My LO doesn't seem to want to drink milk anymore. Is that bad? He does only when I feed him milk..



Hey mums! I've booked the nursery for my future boy for September start but I was wondering whether I'll be able to postpone the starting date if I feel it is too early or any other reasons?


MAM Bottles

I have bought the MAM bottles, and I understand that you can sterilise them in the microwave (super easy) but has anyone else got a steraliser for them instead? Is it worth it or best to just use the microwave?


Formula - how many oz for 4.5m olds?

Starting formula and wondering how to get more space between feeds as she’s having a bottle every 2 hours so clearly not enough but don’t want to overfeed


Bottle steriliser and Dryer

Looking to buy a steriliser and dryer for bottles and other bits, but there are so many mixed reviews online. Can you recommend a brand/model, please?


Formula fed babies how much are they drinking?

My baby is 4 months old on Thursday & is completely off his milk. Only drinking 4 oz and doesn’t seem to be hungry so can go 4-5hrs between feeds, sucking his fists a lot and is teething but refusing the milk. It’s 16:40pm and has only drank 12 oz all day! :( I don’t know what to do


MAM bottles and sterilising

Has anyone else got the mam bottles? I’ve bought a cold water Milton steriliser however I know these bottles can be sterilised in the microwave. Obviously the steriliser can be used for other stuff anyway but what way will you be sterilising the mam bottles if you have these?



Ladies, how many oz are we feeding our 4 week olds? The instructions on the aptamil says 4oz but my HV said that was too much. Sometimes my little one does 4 or 3 oz


Pro biotics for breastfed baby? UK based

Hi all- during my birth I was given IV antibiotics (I had an emergency ventouse birth after a home labour). I feel like they chose the moment I had just given birth to ask me if I wanted the antibiotics so I just said yes without thinking- annoying but here we are! I’ve been working on getting my gut sorted out af...


Can you mix formula and breast milk?

My breast milk doesn't keep my baby full for very long. Can I add the formula powder to the breast milk to make it more filling for her? As in replacing water with breast milk.


Mam bottles…

Am I being stupid? I make my baby 240ml bottles with 8 scoops with Hipp a it reflux milk as it’s 30ml to each scoop however on malm bottles the next measurement is 260ml how am I meant to make a 9oz bottle when there’s no 270ml measurement?



Someone in here recommended these bottles for a replacement because we were struggling to get her off the bottle and omg thank you


Milk for nursery when returning to work?

Hi all, for those going back to work when your baby is 1, are you sending milk in? If so how much for the day. I've looked online and some people give one bottle some are sending in 3 and some none, as babies are 1 they manage on their 3 meals a day. I'm thinking to start expressing and stacking up the freezer ...


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