Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Cows milk

Anyone’s LO completely off formula and onto cows milk?


Formula feeding

Does anyone else's baby take ages to finish each bottle? Mine will fall asleep or have lots of little breaks in between feeding and still only drink 2 oz. I'm just constantly feeding all day, making bottles every 2 hours which she will drink on and off for the 2 hours it's meant to be drank in.


Positive experiences on nutramigen?

Hi, my 7 week old has been prescribed nutramigen for possible milk intolerance. All the reviews I have read are not great - does anyone have a positive experience of this milk?



when do u stop sterilising bottles?? also are they supposed to be completely dry before reassembling them?


Formula 🍼

Mamas , I’m a first time mom to be in a few short weeks!! I still don’t know what formula to try my baby on to start with! Any recommendations?


Tommee Tippee prep machine

Just got the day and night prep machine and tried to make a 7oz bottle but it’s coming out at over 9oz? I’ve tried this 3 times and changed the filter? Anyone else had this?



Hi all, Just looking for some advice. I’ve got a 10 week old little boy who was born 9lbs 11 so a big baby lol! He went up through ounces quite quick and is now on 6oz bottles. He’s normally a happy baby and quite quirky, he’s on nutramigen which is a formula for babies who suffer a cows milk allergy, he’s alw...


Collecting colostrum

Hi, I’ve been given a colostrum collection kit from the midwife which includes a number of syringes and two small colostrum collection storage containers to catch the colostrum. Can the storage containers be washed and reused? And for how many days can you collect and store harvested colostrum in the same syringe? A...


How much milk is enough?

My LO is 20 weeks this week and she’s currently having 5oz about every 2-2.5hrs which I’m feeling is so often. The problem is it’s starting to get less and less time between feeds as she’s getting hungry again. I’m already being told I’m “over feeding her” with this amount so I’m stuck as of what to do. Do you think...


8week old Feeding (formula and breast milk)

I’m in a position where baby isn’t latching and hasn’t been for a while, I do still pump and she has a bottle a day (2 to 3oz). The other feeds are all formula. I am only producing a 1-2 oz a day if that and feel that I am spending a lot of time trying to pump for very little, it is getting to a point where I’m get...


Toddler Formula

are you guys doing any type of toddler formula for your one year olds? Just sticking to whole milk? Still on regular formula? My LO has 3 square meals a day plus snacks throughout but has a bottle of whole milk before bed as well as juice and water with her meals/snacks. But I feel like she needs more? If you’ve use...


Is she feeding too much 🤣

Got my little chunk weighed today and she's shot up from the 51st percentile to the 72nd and now weighs 17lb 15. Is that much of a jump indication she's feeding too much or something lol? She's on 4 x 8oz bottles a day and either 1 or 2 weaning meals. She nearly always empties her bottles, sometimes the 3pm feed wil...



Hi, can anyone give me some recommendations on what Prep machine and steriliser is best please? 🤍


Combi feeding

We’ve been formula and breast feeding since the start. She now hardly drinks any formula. I make 3 bottles a day but she refuses it 85% of the time. I’ve been mixing it with normal milk but she doesn’t want that either. She can say ‘boobie’ and is now asking for breast milk a lot of the day. I’m finding it a lot...


Combi feeding

Currently im only BF my little one but i want to start combi feeding her. Ive brought formula and she drinks it sometimes and sometimes she doesn’t. She will only have about 1-2oz. I would be grateful for any advice on how to get her to have both.


How many bottles does your baby have during the day?

How many bottles is everyone’s babies having and how do you time it with meals?


Cows Milk - what are u doing

On our last can of Kendamil and its stage 3 as I couldn’t find number 2. Baby weighs around 11-12KG. So have been giving him cows milk more.



lo is still on 3-4 bottles a day, any tips on how to wean her off these? she has cmpa so will be going onto oat milk at 1:)


Nuby rapid cool-mouldy lid

I feel like the worlds worst mother, I prepared a feed using the nuby rapid cool, upon cleaning babies bottle I noticed a speck of mould….i then went to wash the nuby cool flask and realised the seal of the lid had slight mould on it… has drank the milk….but now I am soo soo worried and don’t know what to do. ...


Cows milk

Are we weaning gradually or going straight to cows milk from birthday onwards? I have no idea what to do, he’s been having it in his breakfast and I’ve used it to cook since 6 months but the boy loves his formula and is on 3 bottles a day 😊 any tips from Mum’s who have already done it? Thanks x


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